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University at Buffalo (UB)
The State University
of New York
University at Buffalo (UB)
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
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Our School
Research & Faculty
Diversity & Inclusion
Our School
Research & Faculty
Diversity & Inclusion
News & Events
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Info For
Prospective Students
Current Students
SEAS Faculty/Staff
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School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Our School
About Us
By the Numbers
Message From the Dean
Our Global Community
Leadership & Staff
Department Contacts
Dean's Office Staff
Meet Our Students and Alumni
Dean's Advisory Council
Past Members
Corporate Partners
Professional Licenses and Certifications
Strategic Plan
How Our Research Makes an Impact
Here is how we improve plastic recycling
Here is how we transfer research into practice
UB awarded $8.5 million to improve hybrid space rockets
Helping children through AI
Here is how we are improving semiconductor chips
Here is how we are advancing regenerative medicine
Here is how we improve human-robot collaboration
Reaching new heights in drone research
Here is how we shape national infrastructure
Here is how we protect communities from earthquakes
Here is how we move medicine forward
Here is how we save lives by detecting cancer faster
Here is how we solve air pollution with clean vehicles
Here is how we shape structural engineering
Here is how we secure our digital future
Here is how we protect coastal cities from earthquakes
Here is how our research helps people live better lives
Here is how we train AI to help first responders
Here is how we advance space technology
Here is how we lead the AI revolution
Here is how we lead the charge in microelectronics
Here is how we excel through leadership
Here is how we set the standard for excellence
Here is how we lead the transition to clean energy
Here is how we empower new leaders
Here is how we leverage AI for social good
Here is how we build the future
Here is how we achieve historic growth
Here is how our research impacts the world
Here is how we advance the AI workforce
Here is how rise in excellence
Here is how we build resilience and safety
Dean's Report
Employment Opportunities
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Clean Energy
Personalized Health and Wellness
SEAS Contact Information
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Engineering Education
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Materials Design and Innovation
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Visit & Explore
Visit SEAS
Find Your Program
Facilities and Buildings
Engineering Machine Shop
Safety Certification and Shop Entry Procedure
Swipe Card Registry
Policies and Forms
Staff and Contact Information
About the University
Discover Buffalo
Undergraduate Education
Degree Programs
First-Year Admission
Transfer Admission
Admission for Current UB Students
Admission to Combined Degree Programs
Changing Your SEAS Major
Admission to a SEAS Minor or Certificate
Academic Advisement
Course Flowsheets
Thematic and Global Pathways
Pre-Fall 2023 Pathways
Tutoring Services
Academic Review
Technical Courses
Graduation Process
Computer Programming Requirement
Graphics Requirement
Student Computer Standards
Student Health Services
Meet our Advisors
SEAS Portal
Student Success Coaches
Next Steps for New Students
Summary of UB Curriculum Requirements
Engineering Majors
Computer Science Majors
First Year Student FAQs
Incoming Student Resources and Materials
Student Computer Standards
Transfer Student Information
Planning Your Transfer
The First Year Experience
EAS First Year Classes
Personal Mentorship
Academic Small Groups
My Engineering Life: Reports from the Field
Reach Back Profiles
Bronner, Jackie
Cadigan, David
Godly, Laura
Literman, Scott
Martin, Sean
Sugrue, Adam
Andreani, Damian
Bauer, Zachary
Catalino, Nick
Chansamut, Bryan
Charbonneau, Andrew
Chevalier, Danielle
Coffed, Steven
Corio, Joe
Deavers, John
Duval, Kelly
Gorski, Kaitlin
Haverkamp, Kalli
Henry, Kiera
Kodweis, Courtney
Maffetone (Tucciarone), Phillip
Marchesiello, Nick
Marco, Sydney
Marron, Erica
McLaughlin, Ryan
Mendel, Brentyn
Miera, Daniel
Myers, David
O'Malley, Ryan
Packard, Brittany
Panzetta, Joseph
Richards, Shauna
Rinaldo, Jack
Roberts, Lauren
Rossi, Mike
Schneider, Phil
Scott, Margaret
Sementilli, Lynn
Sementilli, Mae
Sheridan, Amanda
Vitello, Stephen
Wayne, Blade
Weiss, Adam
Wild, Monica
Woodard, Parker
Caldwell, Jacob
Joy, Luke
Leader Quotes
Leaders A to Z
By Department
By Graduation Year
Family Tree
Summer Bridge
Undergraduate Events
Engineers Week
Undergraduate Student Policies
Enrollment and Graduation Data
Contact the Office of Academic Affairs
Graduate Education
Fields of Study
Multidisciplinary Programs
Start Your Graduate Application
Next Steps for New Grad Students
Current Student Info
Internships & Outcomes
Internship Process
Professional Development
PhD Excellence Initiative
Graduate Student Events
Graduate Recruitment Events
SEAS Graduate Orientation
Poster Competition
2019 Poster Competition Results
2018 Poster Competition Results
2017 Poster Competition Results
Upcoming SEAS 360° Events
Graduate Student Policies
Contact the Office of Graduate Education
Graduate Department Contacts
Beyond the Classroom
Online Learning
Online Degree Programs
Online Courses
Collaborative Robot Safety: Design & Deployment
Computer Vision
Data Analytics in Sports Law and Management
Data-Driven Decision Making
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) for Everyone
Digital Manufacturing and Design Technology
Energy Production, Distribution & Safety
Renewable Energy
Solar Energy
Online Student FAQ's
Bridge Engineering Advanced Certificate
Engineering Science BS
Engineering Management ME
Data Analytics in Sports Law and Management Micro-credential Application
Undergraduate Research
Experiential Learning
Engineering Intramurals
Example Intramural Projects
Internships and Co-Ops
Co-op Information & Timing
Internship and Co-Op Advisement Guide
Senior Design
Study Abroad
Student Clubs
Funding Opportunities for Student Clubs
Student Health & Wellness
SEAS Student Emergency Funds
Resources for Professionalism
Code of Professional Conduct
Pledge to Professionalism Ceremony
Professional Development Blueprint
SEAS 360° Professional Development
Resources for Entrepreneurs
PE Licensure
PE Continuing Education
Career Resources
Apply Now
Research & Faculty
Our Research
Research Areas
Centers and Institutes
Latest News
Recent Awards
Engineering for Social Good
Undergraduate Research
Space Object Understanding and Reconnaissance of Complex Events
Comprehensive Minimally/non-invasive Multifaceted Assessment of Nano-/microelectronic Devices
COVID-19 Research & Support
Transportation Research and Education
Our Faculty
Faculty Directory
Meet New Faculty
Named Professors
Women Faculty
Meet our Diverse Faculty
Faculty Honors and Awards
National and International Awards
Fellows of Professional Societies
National Early Career Awards
SUNY Awards
UB Awards
SEAS Awards
Distinguished Research Fellowship Program
Diversity & Inclusion
Community Engagement
Community Resources
National Grid STEM Mentoring Program
Become a STEM Mentor
Camps for Grades 6-12
Chem-E Camp
CSExplore Camp
National Grid Leadership Camp
Past National Grid Camp Galleries
Frequently Asked Questions
National Grid Young Innovators Engineering Camp
National Summer Transportation Institute
National Grid Sustainability Camp
Experiential Learning in Emerging STEM Technologies
Faculty Mentors
News & Events
Upcoming Events
2025 Commencement
Buffalo Engineer Magazine
Feature 2022
Past Issues
Feature 2023
Alumni News
Diversity and Outreach News
Faculty News
Student News
In the News
Joining The Conversation
Seen in SEAS
Submit News
Prospective Students
Accepted Undergraduate Student Information
Upcoming SEAS Events
Past SEAS Events
Accepted Graduate Student Information
Upcoming Events
Past Events
Onboarding Videos
SEAS Graduate Welcome Reception and Resource Fair
Current Students
Collaborate with UB
Engage with our Students
Engagement Examples
Connecting Data Scientists with Industry Professionals
SEAS Partnership Program
ACV Auctions
National Grid
Global Foundries
Strategic Partnership for Industrial Resurgence
Shared Instrumentation Laboratories
The Center for Industrial Effectiveness
Our Facilities
Faculty & Staff
About SEAS
SecureSEAS 🔒
Faculty Affairs
Sabbatical Leave Policies and Procedures
Cybersecurity in SEAS
General Timeline for First Seven Years
Tenure-track Faculty Reappointments
Non-tenure-track Faculty Reappointments
Reappointment Timeline for Teaching Faculty
Timeline for Reappointment for Research Faculty
Reappointment Timeline for Tenure-Track Faculty
Non-tenure-track Faculty Reappointments at Associate level and above
School Policies
School Offices and Support
Academic Affairs
SEAS Academics Portal
Helping Students in Distress
SEAS Online Education
Getting Started with your Online Course
Undergraduate Student Ambassadors
Nominate a Student Ambassador
Brightspace Guides for Instructors
Diversity and Inclusion
Library Services
Online Education
Science and Engineering Node Services (SENS)
Shared Instrumentation Laboratory Facilities
Diversity and Inclusion
Become an LSAMP Mentor
Inclusive Hiring Best Practices
Meet Our Diverse Faculty
Become a STEM Youth Mentor
Identity and Brand
Web Services
Creative Services
News and Publications
Email Communications
Social Media
Staff News
Access Admin Gateway
Campaign for the Community