Office of Online Education

The SEAS Online Education office provides support to faculty teaching online courses and to departments seeking to develop, grow, or improve online programs within the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

Our Services

faculty member records online course content.

We offer a wide range of services to support SEAS faculty members and departments interested in remote and online learning, including:

  • Assistance with online course design and development
  • Individual and departmental consultations
  • Guidance related to the development of instructional materials and activities
  • Evaluation and assistance in the use of emerging technologies for instruction
  • Market research to aid new online program development

Our office also offers a two-camera studio location in 340-C Bell and a recording booth in O’Brian Hall. Our staff is available to assist throughout the recording process, whether it's providing technical expertise in the studio to providing instructional design support.

We regularly partner with the Center for Educational Innovation, the Educational Design Collaborative, and Science and Engineering Node Services to provide faculty development resources and respond to questions that arise during course creation.

Contact Us

Want to work with SEAS Online Education? Contact us today at

Our Team