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Four faculty elevated to department chairs in 2023-24

Portraits from left to right: Jeff Errington, Yun Wu, Robert Dell, David Doermann.

The University at Buffalo School of Engineering and Applied Sciences has appointed Robert Dell, David Doermann, Jeff Errington and Yun Wu as chairs of their respective departments.

  • Robert Dell, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, joined UB in 2022 after more than 30 years of service as a faculty member of the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS). He previously served as NPS acting provost and academic dean, dean of the NPS Graduate School of Operational and Information Sciences, and chair of the NPS Operations Research Department. He is also the managing director of the UB Collaborative Institute for Multisource Information Fusion.
  • David DoermannDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering, joined UB in 2018 and was the inaugural director of the UB Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. He was among several school faculty members who played a pivotal leadership role on the SUNY STRIVE Task Force on Artificial Intelligence, which was instrumental in UB’s selection as the home for Empire AI, New York State's $400 million AI consortium.
  • Jeffrey ErringtonDepartment of Chemical and Biological Engineering, will assume the role of chair on January 1, 2025. Currently the senior associate dean for academic affairs, Errington led the formation of the school’s Office of Academic Affairs and several new academic programs, helped formulate the Department of Engineering Education, established a school-wide undergraduate faculty advisement process, and guided the school through a period of growth toward record enrollment.
  • Yun Wu, Department of Biomedical Engineering, joined UB in 2013 and has made significant contributions to the development of innovative nanotherapeutics and in vitro diagnostic assays for cancer treatment and diagnosis, for which she has received over $16 million in grant funding. Prior to her role as chair, she served as director of graduate studies for the department.