Would you benefit from a little bit of extra help understanding your chemistry, engineering, math or physics courses? Free support is readily available from the following programs/groups for any student who is interested in improving their academic performance.
Information below has been updated for Fall 2023, but please check with each resource for the latest details.
UB offers in-person and virtual one-on-one tutoring appointments, success workshops, and academic coaching sessions to help you with a variety of academic needs including time management, organization, and study strategies based on your preferred learning style.
Note: TASS offers in-person tutoring in their Center in 130 Capen Hall, North Campus as well as in various Residence Halls, including Jones (Governors/North), Goodyear (South), and Blake (Ellicott/North). For more details regarding tutoring in the residence halls, see the TASS at Campus Living Tutoring info.
These innovative, academic small groups consist of professional instructors who work closely with first-year students to help them learn how to approach university-level engineering problems. The format is a blend of instruction and active learning.
Small groups are a 0.5 credit hour academic courses, graded on a Pass/Not Pass basis with add, drop, and resign dates as per HUB enrollment transactions. Look for the following small groups in various fall and spring class schedules:
EAS 114: Small Groups: Precalculus
EAS 141: Small Groups: Calculus 1
EAS 142: Small Groups: Calculus 2
EAS 107: Small Groups: Chemistry 1
EAS 117: Small Groups: Physics 1
UB's Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society Chapter offers free tutoring to SEAS students upon request. Listed below are tutors for the current semester, their major, courses they can assist with, and their email address. Please contact them via email to discuss possible arrangements. If you require tutoring for a class not listed, please contact Amanda Newbury at asnewbur@buffalo.edu and Tau Beta Pi will try their best to pair you with one of their members!
Tutor Name | SEAS Major(s) | |
To be filled |
UB undergraduates can receive tutoring through the Math Place. The Math Place is a free peer tutoring service specifically designed for undergraduate UB students in ULC and Calculus 1 and 2 courses.
Free, online tutoring is available from the Mathematics Department Help Center.
Please see your Physics syllabus for information about tutoring that might be available from the UB chapter of the Society of Physics.
For more information, see your UBLearns Chemistry site. No appointment is necessary and all support is through Zoom.
UB's Center for Excellence in Writing supports writers across the university as they compose, construct, and share meaning.
If you are interested in hiring your own tutor for a particular subject, please contact your department for possible assistance in identifying qualified tutors.
Study Buddies is a feature within the Navigate mobile app or desktop site that allows you to opt-in to connect with students in each of your classes who are interested in forming study groups. How you choose to interact can be decided by your group, whether it be in-person or virtually.