Michel Bruneau, SUNY Distinguished Professor, received the Ernest E. Howard Award from ASCE. The prestigious award honors a researcher for significant contributions to structural engineering.
A paper authored by Jinjun Xiong, SUNY Empire Innovation Professor in Computer Science and Engineering, earned the 2024 Best Paper Award from the IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences (TRPMS) journal.
A poster highlighting associate professor Huamin Li’s research, “Interfacial Design of Two-Dimensional Energy-Efficient Nanoelectronics,” received first-place at the NSF's Nanoscale Science and Engineering Grantees Conference poster presentation.
Joseph has received the University at Buffalo’s 2025 President Emeritus and Mrs. Meyerson Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching and Mentoring.
Lora Cavuoto has received the Human Factors and Ergonomics WOMAN Mentor of the Year award and the National Safety Council’s Rising Stars of Safety Award.