Making an Impact Around the World

21 of our early career faculty members have received national awards in the past 5 years.

Luis C. Herrera.
Luis C. Herrera

Department: Electrical Engineering
Award amount: $500,000
Award year: 2024

"Robust Data Based Control and Estimation for Resilient DC Microgrids"

Andrew Olewnik.
Andrew Olewnik

Department: Engineering Education
Award amount: $530,351
Award year: 2024

"Recognizing Engineering Formation: Learning Experiences as a Catalyst for Transformation (REFLECT) from Student to Professional Engineer"

Craig Snoeyink.
Craig Snoeyink

Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Award amount: $581,088
Award year: 2024

"Understanding Dielectrophoretic Molecular Transport"

Kang Sun.
Kang Sun

Department: Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
Award amount: $643,562
Award year: 2024

"Timely Estimation of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions for Improved Monitoring and Simulation of Atmospheric Chemical Processes"

Yinyin Ye.
Yinyin Ye

Department:  Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
Award amount: $580,393
Award year: 2024

"Bacterial extracellular vesicles in wastewater systems: Persistence and production to disseminate virulence proteins"

Zhuoyue Zhao.
Zhuoyue Zhao

Department:  Computer Science and Engineering
Award amount: $599,977
Award year: 2024

"Speedy and Reliable Approximate Queries in Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Systems"

Shaofeng Zou.
Shaofeng Zou

Department: Electrical Engineering
Award amount: $520,000
Award year: 2024

"Robust Reinforcement Learning Under Model Uncertainty: Algorithms and Fundamental Limits"

Courtney Faber.
Courtney Faber

Department: Engineering Education
Award amount: $590,963 
Award year: 2023

"The Overlooked Barrier – Exploring How Engineering Education Research Teams Negotiate Epistemic Differences"

Mingchen Gao.
Mingchen Gao

Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Award amount: $578,519
Award year: 2023

"Deploying Transferable Medical Imaging Diagnosis System in Diverse Environments"

Prathima Nalam.
Prathima Nalam

Department: Materials Design and Innovation
Award amount: $667,017
Award year: 2023

"Understanding 2D confinement driven phase transitions of non-polar liquids"

A. Erdem Sariyuce.
A. Erdem Sariyuce

Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Award amount: $555,821
Award year: 2023

"Temporal Network Analysis: Models, Algorithms, and Applications"

Sangwoo Shin.
Sangwoo Shin

Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Award amount: $500,000
Award year: 2023

"Phoretic Transport of Membrane-Bound Biological Colloids in Complex Environments"

Ziming Zhao.
Ziming Zhao

Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Award amount: $564,748
Award year: 2023

"SaTC: Rethinking Trusted Execution Environments for Embedded and IoT Systems"

Nirupam Aich.
Nirupam Aich

Department: Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
Award amount:
Award year: 2022

"3D Printed Carbon-Metal Nanohybrid Aerogels for Highly Efficient Adsorptive/Catalytic Removal of PFASs"

Kenny Joseph.
Kenny Joseph

Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Award amount:
Award year: 2022

"Promoting Equal Opportunities through Measurement, Simulation, and Education"

Danial Faghihi.
Danial Faghihi

Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Award amount:
Award year: 2022

"Reliable Superinsulated Building Envelopes via Predictive Multiphysics Modeling"

Baishakhi Mazumder.
Baishakhi Mazumder

Department: Materials Design and Innovation
Award amount:
Award year: 2022

"Atomic scale understanding of the doping incorporation and transport properties in ultrawide band gap semiconductors"

Minghui Zheng.
Minghui Zheng

Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Award amount:
Award year: 2021

"Facilitating Autonomy of Robots Through Learning-Based Control"

Souma Chowdhury.
Souma Chowdhury

Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Award amount:
Award year: 2021

"Automated Design of Decentralized Robust and Explainable Swarm Systems"

Frank Lagor.
Frank Lagor

Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Award amount:
Award year: 2020

Towards Real-Time, 3D Coherent Structure Estimation for Flow Over Finite Wings

photo of Huamin Li.
Huamin Li

Department: Electrical Engineering
Award amount:
Award year: 2020

Investigating novel quantum nanoelectronic devices that can operate with faster switching speeds and less energy consumption.

blue rectangle.
blue rectangle.
blue rectangle.

Here at UB's School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, we are attracting some of the world's brightest young researchers to the Buffalo Niagara region. Our national award-winning junior faculty are among the most promising and talented researchers in the country.

With recognition from highly competitive federal research programs such as the National Science Foundation CAREER Award Program and the Department of Defense Young Investigator Programs, they are building a foundation for a lifetime of leadership in integrating education and research.

What is a National Science Foundation CAREER Award?

The CAREER Award is the National Science Foundation's most prestigious award in support of junior faculty. The awards are given to outstanding scientists who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through research, education, and the integration of education and research.

The award comes with a federal grant for research and education activities for five consecutive years. The National Science Foundation (NSF) grants these awards once a year. The reviewing, award and selection process is one of the most competitive within the NSF.

What are Department of Defense Young Investigator Program Awards?

The Department of Defense offers early career research awards through the Air Force, Army and Navy. Known as the Young Investigator Program (YIP), the awards support academic scientists who have received a PhD or equivalent degree within the last five years and who show exceptional promise for doing creative research.

NSF CAREER Award Recipients

Luis C. Herrera.
Luis Herrera

Robust Data Based Control and Estimation for Resilient DC Microgrids
Department: Electrical Engineering
Award year: 2024

Andrew Olewnik.
Andrew Olewnik

Recognizing Engineering Formation: Learning Experiences as a Catalyst for Transformation (REFLECT) from Student to Professional Engineer
Department: Engineering Education
Award year: 2024

Craig Snoeyink.
Craig Snoeyink

Understanding Dielectrophoretic Molecular Transport
Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Award year: 2024

Kang Sun.
Kang Sun

Timely Estimation of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions for Improved Monitoring and Simulation of Atmospheric Chemical Processes
Department: Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
Award year: 2024

Yinyin Ye.
Yinyin Ye

Bacterial extracellular vesicles in wastewater systems: Persistence and production to disseminate virulence proteins
Department: Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
Award Year: 2024

Zhuoyue Zhao.
Zhuoyue Zhao

Speedy and Reliable Approximate Queries in Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Systems
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Award Year: 2024

Shaofeng Zou.
Shaofeng Zou

Robust Reinforcement Learning Under Model Uncertainty: Algorithms and Fundamental Limits
Department: Electrical Engineering
Award Year: 2024

Courtney Faber.
Courtney Faber

The Overlooked Barrier – Exploring How Engineering Education Research Teams Negotiate Epistemic Differences
Department: Engineering Education
Award year: 2023

Mingchen Gao.
Mingchen Gao

Deploying Transferable Medical Imaging Diagnosis System in Diverse Environments
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Award year: 2023

Prathima Nalam.
Prathima Nalam

Understanding 2D confinement driven phase transitions of non-polar liquids
Department: Materials Design and Innovation
Award year: 2023

A. Erdem Sariyuce.
A. Erdem Sariyuce

Temporal Network Analysis: Models, Algorithms, and Applications
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Award year: 2023

Sangwoo Shin.
Sangwoo Shin

Phoretic Transport of Membrane-Bound Biological Colloids in Complex Environments
Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Award year: 2023

Ziming Zhao.
Ziming Zhao

SaTC: Rethinking Trusted Execution Environments for Embedded and IoT Systems
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Award year: 2023

Nirupam Aich.
Nirupam Aich

3D Printed Carbon-Metal Nanohybrid Aerogels for Highly Efficient Adsorptive/Catalytic Removal of PFASs
Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
Award year: 2022

Danial Faghihi.
Danial Faghihi

Reliable Superinsulated Building Envelopes via Predictive Multiphysics Modeling
Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Award year: 2022

Kenny Joseph.
Kenny Joseph

Promoting Equal Opportunities through Measurement, Simulation, and Education
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Award year: 2022

Baishakhi Mazumder.
Baishakhi Mazumder

Atomic scale understanding of the doping incorporation and transport properties in ultrawide band gap semiconductors
Department: Materials Design and Innovation
Award year: 2022

Souma Chowdhury.
Souma Chowdhury

Automated Design of Decentralized Robust and Explainable Swarm Systems (ADDRESS)
Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Award year: 2021

Minghui Zheng.
Minghui Zheng

Facilitating Autonomy of Robots Through Learning-Based Control 
Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Award year: 2021

Frank Lagor.
Frank Lagor

Towards Real-Time, 3D Coherent Structure Estimation for Flow Over Finite Wings
Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Award year: 2020

Huamin Li.
Huamin Li

Toward sub-60-mV/decade steep transistors using Dirac-source carrier injection and high-mobility 2D monochalcogenides 
Department: Electrical Engineering
Award year: 2020

Karthik Dantu.
Karthik Dantu

Enabling Seamless Vision Sensing in Cloud-Edge Systems
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Award year: 2019

Karthik Dantu.
Ashlee Ford Versypt

Multiscale Modeling of a Virtual Kidney during the Onset and Progression of Diabetic Kidney Disease
Department: Chemical and Biological and Engineering
Award year: 2019

Hongxin Hu.
Hongxin Hu

Towards Elastic Security with Safe and Efficient Network Security Function Virtualization
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Award year: 2019

Shi Li.
Shi Li

Approximate Scheduling Algorithms via Mathematical Relaxations
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Award year: 2019

Peter Liu.
Peter Qiang Liu

Unconventional Mid-infrared and Terahertz Sources Employing Graphene Plasmonics and Intersubband Transitions in Quantum Wells
Department: Electrical Engineering
Award year: 2019

Mostafa Nouh.
Mostafa Nouh

Metamaterials as Elastic Rectifiers: Exploiting the Non-reciprocal Mechanics of Time-Periodic Structures
Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Award year: 2019

Ifeoma Nwogu.
Ifeoma Nwogu

A Computational Approach to the Study of Behavior and Social Interactions
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Award year: 2019

Chi Zhou.
Chi Zhou

3D Printing of Multiscale, Multifunctional Porous Structures by Selectively Freezing Multidimensional Nanomaterials
Department: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Award year: 2019

Jaroslaw Zola.
Jaroslaw Zola

Scalable Software and Algorithmic Infrastructure for Probabilistic Graphical Modeling
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Award year: 2019

Johannes Hachmann.
Johannes Hachmann

Building an Advanced Cyberinfrastructure for the Data-Driven Design of Chemical Systems and the Exploration of Chemical Space
Department: Chemical and Biological Engineering
Award year: 2018

Oliver Kennedy.
Oliver Kennedy

Declarative Uncertainty
Department:Computer Science and Engineering
Award year: 2018

Lukasz Ziarek.
Lukasz Ziarek

Enabling Adaptable, Object Oriented, Real-time Systems
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Award year: 2018

Ning Dai.
Ning Dai

Impacts of Marine Algal Blooms on Disinfection Byproduct Formation in Seawater Desalination
Department: Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
Award year: 2017

Haiqing Lin.
Haiqing Lin

SusChEM: Design and Discovery of Polymers with Pendant Rings for Membrane Gas Separations
Department: Chemical and Biological Engineering
Award year: 2016

Jonathan Lovell.
Jonathan Lovell

Optically Programmed Membrane Permeabilization
Department: Biomedical Engineering
Award year: 2016

Shenqiang Ren.
Shenqiang Ren

Rare-Earth-Free All Ferrous Nanomagnets Towards High Energy Density
Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Award year: 2015

Miao Yu.
Miao Yu

A Few Layer Thin, Graphene-Based Membranes: Nanostructure Understanding, Permeation Mechanisms and Separation Applications
Department: Chemical and Biological Engineering
Award year: 2015

Davis Salac.
David Salac

Electrohydrodynamics of Vesicles
Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Award year: 2013

Thomas Hayes

Innovations in Markov Chains: Metrics, Duality and Liftings
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Award year: 2012

Mettupalayam Sivaselvan.
Mettupalayam Sivaselvan

Robust Computational and Experimental Simulation of Mechanical Systems under Extreme Events
Department: Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
Award year: 2012

Lei Ying.
Leslie (Lei) Ying

Compressed Sensing Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Department: Biomedical Engineering
Award year: 2012

Tevfik Kosar.
Tevfik Kosar

Data-aware Distributed Computing for Enabling Large-scale Collaborative Science
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Award year: 2011

Sheldon Park.
Sheldon Park

Yeast-based disulfide trapping for engineering selective inhibitors of a protein kinase
Department: Chemical and Biological Engineering
Award year: 2011

Siwei Lyu.
Siwei Lyu

A New Statistical Framework for Natural Images with Applications in Vision
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Award year: 2010

Atri Rudra.
Atri Rudra

Efficient Computation of Approximate Solutions
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Award year: 2009

Murat Demirbas.
Murat Demirbas

An In-Network Collaboration and Coordination Framework for Wireless Sensor Actor Networks
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Award year: 2008

Jinhui Xu.
Jinhui Xu

Efficient Geometric Techniques for Problems Arising in Cardiovascular Intervention Procedures
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Award year: 2005

Paul DesJardin.
Paul DesJardin

High Fidelity Numerical Modeling and Simulation of Fire Suppression
Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Award year: 2004

Jeffrey Errington.
Jeffrey Errington

Connecting Structural Order to Thermodynamic and Kinetic Properties of Aqueous Solutions A Research and Education Program
Department: Chemical and Biological Engineering
Award year: 2003

Albert Titus.
Albert Titus

Modularized Silicon-based Neuromorphic Visual Processing Systems Implemented in Analog VLSI
Department: Biomedical Engineering
Award year: 2001

Stelios Andreadis.
Stelios Andreadis

Quantitative Studies of the Rate-Limiting Steps of Retroviral Production and Transduction to Achieve High Levels of Gene Transfer to In Vitro Skin Equivalents
Department: Chemical and Biological Engineering
Award year: 2000

Ann Bisantz.
Ann Bisantz

Studies of Decision Making in Complex, Dynamic Environments
Department: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Award year: 2000

Paschalis Alexandridis.
Paschalis Alexandridis

Self-Organization of Amphiphilic Block Copolymers for the Preparation of Highly Ordered Materials A Research and Education Program
Department: Chemical and Biological Engineering
Award year: 1999

Kemper Lewis.
Kemper Lewis

Development of Design Decision Support Methods for Large-Scale Systems
Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Award year: 1999

Hui Meng.
Hui Meng

Program New Approaches of Holographic Particle Velocimetry for Studying Turbulence
Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Award year: 1999

DOD Young Investigator Award Recipients

Frank Lagor.
Frank Lagor

Towards Real-Time, 3D Coherent Structure Estimation for Flow Over Finite Wings 
Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Agency: U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Award year: 2020

James Chen.
James Chen

A Multiscale Morphing Continuum Analysis on Energy Cascade of Compressible Turbulence 
Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Agency: U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Award year: 2017

Brandon Choi.
Jun Hwan (Brandon) Choi

Adaptable Compressed Jaumann Absorber for Harsh and Dynamic Electromagnetic Environments 
Department: Electrical Engineering
Agency: U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Award year: 2017

Matthew Bolton.
Matthew Bolton

Preventing Complex Failures of Human Interactive Systems with Erroneous Behavior Generation and Robust Human Task Behavior Patterns
Department: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Agency: U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Award year: 2015

Shenqiang Ren.
Material Design and Assembly towards Conducting Crystals

Material Design and Assembly towards Conducting Crystals
Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Agency: U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Award year: 2014

Marina Blanton.
Marina Blanton

A Comprehensive Toolset for General-Purpose Private Computing and Outsourcing 
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Agency: U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Award year: 2013

Matthew Ringuette.
Matthew Ringuette

Flapping-Wing Propulsion Characterized Using Optimal Vortex Formation 
Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Agency: U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Award year: 2010