Grades 8-9

Sustainability Camp

2025 | UB North Campus

Boy using building blocks.
Boy playing with interactive power grid table.
girls cutting construction paper.

About the Camp

The UB Sustainability Camp is a five day camp blending the STEM fields with sustainable impact around the globe. It is a unique experience combining hands on laboratory projects with field experience on campus and around the community. As a sustainable camp, we aim for a net zero carbon footprint while teaching students how to calculate and decrease their own carbon footprint.

Each camper who completed the UB Sustainability Camp will go home with camp swag including a T-Shirt, drawstring bag, water bottle, and more. Campers will also receive a solar powered car, a wind turbine, a certificate of completion and a one-of-a-kind experience in sustainability.

Camp Features

  • Individualized hands on activities, games, and competitions
  • STEM Themes: energy, product lifecycle, ecology, and carbon footprint
  • Societal Factors: global, social, economic, and environmental impact
  • Community engagement
  • Various tours including:
    • Outdoors tour of UB North Campus covering the Ellicott complex, Letchworth Woods, Lake Lasalle, University Garden, and UB Solar Strand


All students entering 8th and 9th grade in the fall are eligible to attend the camp. Maximum camp enrollment is 30 students. Acceptance to our camps does not depend on high achieving academics or prior knowledge. Students who show enthusiasm for engineering and the STEM fields all have an equal chance of acceptance.

Transportation is available for residents of the City of Buffalo; bus stops will be scheduled after there is a final camp roster.


Last year, the Sustainability Camp was sponsored by Dupont and National Grid, and students were able to attend the camp at no cost. This year's camp cost/sponsors are still being determined but will not exceed $400. Please check back soon for more information. Applicants will be notified of the cost once it's determined.

Camp Coordinators:

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