Grades 6-7

National Grid Young Innovators Engineering Camp

August 4 - 8, 2025 | UB North Campus

Students programming robot.
Students building robot.
Students working on computers.
student working on robot.
Application Deadlines

The deadline to apply fo each of our camps is Friday, May 30. Applications submitted after this date are automatically added to the waitlist. 

About the Camp

Students are invited to participate in this five-day camp centered around engineering and creativity! The UB/National Grid Young Innovators Engineering Camp brings students to the University at Buffalo explore engineering and critical thinking with university students and staff members. 

Camp Features

  • Develop problem solving and critical thinking skills
  • Learn how engineering relates to everyday life
  • Use creativity to enhance their understanding of basic science
  • Explore new concepts in a team environment

Who Can Attend?

Western New York students entering grades 6-7 are eligible to attend. We are especially interested in minority and underrepresented students to apply.  Acceptance to our camps does not depend on high achieving academics or prior knowledge. Students who show enthusiasm for engineering and the STEM fields all have an equal chance of acceptance. Maximum camp enrollment is 20 students.

Transportation is available for residents of the City of Buffalo; bus stops will be scheduled after there is a final camp roster.


The Young Innovators Engineering Camp is free for students and is sponsored by National Grid

Camp Coordinators:

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