Our Research

We engage in fundamental research and pioneer new technologies that address big challenges faced by society.  

  • Research Areas
    Explore departmental research areas and themes in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.
  • Research Centers and Institutes
    Multidisciplinary teams collaborate in our research centers, institutes and collaborative projects to address a wide variety of topics such as health care, personal security and recovery from natural disasters.
  • Latest News
    See how our research is making an impact in Western New York and around the globe.
  • Recent Selected Research Grants
    Recent research awards received by faculty in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences are listed on this page.
  • Engineering for Social Good
    Our Engineering Justice Across the Curriculum initiative, led by a cross-disciplinary team of faculty in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, connects students from computer science, engineering science, and engineering design to their social settings.
  • Undergraduate Research Experience
    The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences offers many programs and opportunities to engage students in exciting research collaborations outside the classroom.