Michele Brown

Michele Brown.

Senior Academic Advisor 

Caseload: A, J, Mi-Mt, Pr-Pz, MBA

Education: BA in Sociology, University at Buffalo, EdM in Higher Education Administration, University at Buffalo

Academic path: As a first-generation student, my adjustment to UB as an undergraduate student did not go as smoothly as I had hoped, and it took me a while to find my way. This inspired me to attend graduate school here at UB where I developed a passion for supporting students as they navigate their own way through the world of higher education. Each day I look forward to being a friendly face who can provide students with guidance and the tools that will foster success both academically and beyond.

Specialty areas: Internal SEAS major/minor change requests, MBA Combined Degree

Hobbies and interests: I love to be outside and will be any chance I get, no matter the Buffalo weather! I am equally happy spending time with my family in the forest, on the beach, or on the snow. When I must stay indoors, I do enjoy cooking and baking a lot. Go Bills!