Kevin Burke


Photo of Kevin Burke.

Kevin Burke


Kevin Burke


Associate Dean for Student Affairs
Associate Professor of Teaching
Co-director of Undergraduate Studies

Specialty/Research Focus

Power and energy management; dielectric phenomena; pulsed power; insulation performance/reliability

Biography Publications Teaching Research Latest News


Kevin M. Burke is a teaching associate professor, co-director of undergraduate education for Electrical Engineering, and deputy director of the Energy Systems Integration Laboratory (ESI). Dr. Burke's area of technical expertise and interests are in the area of but not limited to insulation systems, energy and power management, partial discharge analysis, and engineering education. He is a member of IEEE and has coauthored numerous publications for IEEE refereed conference and journal publications. He had contributed technically to efforts funded by DOD through the US ARMY, Imperial Machine and Tool Co., National Grid USA and others. Most recently as part of the research at the ESI Lab, the research focus has been to study the use of non-thermal plasma on cancer cells.  

In addition to the research and teaching activities, Dr. Burke is active in the surrounding community, where he actively participates in STEM outreach programs including the Buffalo Area Engineering Awareness for Minorities and Women Program - BEAM, Tech SAVVY for Women, and the pilot offering of the Science is Elementary program at the Westminster Charter School in the Buffalo Public School System. Dr. Burke has also won the Tau Beta Pi - NY NU Chapter, Professor of the Year Teaching Award, and a CSTEP Research Mentor of the Year Award. Dr. Burke is advisor to the UB IEEE PES Student Chapter and the 2013-2014 NASA RASC-AL Exploration Robo-Ops Space Bulls Team.


  • PhD, Electrical Engineering, University at Buffalo, 2010
  • MS, Electrical Engineering, University at Buffalo, 2004
  • BS, Electrical Engineering, University at Buffalo, 1997