Probability theory, actuarial sciences, stochastic differential equations, gauss-radon transform, euclidean and non-euclidean geometry, mathematics education and data science
”Meaningful Teaching and Learning: MyStatLab and StatCrunch, The Value of MyStatLab to Faculty and Student” by Vochita Mihai and Elaine Correa, Journal of Research and Teaching in Developmental Education, Special Edition, Fall 2019.
”Viete’s Relations And Factorization Of Polynomials” by Vochita Mihai and Claudiu Mihai, Research and Teaching in Developmental Education, Volume 33, Issue 2, Spring 2017
”The Radon-Gauss transform”. Joint work with Dr. Ambar Sengupta, The Soochow Journal of Mathematics, Volume 33, Number 3, July 2007
Work in progress: ”Algebra and Reading”, Dr. Vochita Mihai.
Conference Presentations
Twenty-Seventh International Conference on Learning, Universitat de Valencia,Spain, Algebra and Reading, 2022
WNY Consortium Of Higher Education Academic Leadership Institute, High Impact Practices, 2018
Twenty-Fifth International Conference on Learning, University of Athens, Greece, Meaningful Teaching and Learning: MyStatLab and StatCrunch, 2018
TASS Conference presentation: Mathematics and Reading, 2017
ETC, Blackboard Training Day presentation: Blackboard-Grading Center, 2017
APP Workshop presentation: MyStatLab and StatCrunch, Effective Tools and Strategies for Teaching and Learning, 2016
TIEL(Teaching Innovations and Enhancing Learning) Conference, Strategies for Retaining Developmental Mathematics Students Based on Insights Into the Sources of Students Misconceptions by Dr. Vochita Mihai and Dr. Richard Gerber, round table presentation, Rebooting Critical Thinking, Trocaire College, 2016
Faculty Development Fair, Medaille College ”Mathematics and Games,” 2009
Faculty Development Fair, Medaille College, ”What to do with a Mathematics Degree?” 2008
White Noise Distribution Theory and Orthogonal Polynomials, II, Spring AMS Southeastern Sectional Meeting, Louisiana State University, ”The Radon-Gauss Transform,” 2008
Fourth International Conference of Applied Mathematics and Computing, Plovdiv, Bulgaria (invited speaker, could not attend), 2007
Faculty Development Fair , Medaille College, ”Seeing the Connections,” 2007
Department of Medical Physics,State University of New York at Buffalo, ”The Radon-Gauss Transform,” 2006
Faculty Forum Presentation, Medaille College, ”The Radon-Gauss Transform,” 2006
First Conference of Balkan Society of Geometers, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania, ”Convex programs on the Beil-Lagrange manifold,” 1996
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