Viviana Monje


Viviana Monje-Galvan.

Viviana Monje


Viviana Monje


Research Topics

Molecular dynamics simulation; computational biophysics; statistical thermodynamics; lipid membrane modeling; protein-lipid interactions

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Research interests

We use molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to study physical phenomena of biological processes at the cellular membrane interface. MD simulations allow us to model the behavior of biomolecules and their patterns of interaction to understand fundamental mechanisms of disease. Molecular level understanding of lipid-lipid and lipid-protein dynamics is essential to inspire novel disease therapeutic and diagnostic techniques. This is particularly relevant for diseases in which drug-resistance is developed, such as cancer and chronic conditions. The main focus of our research is to characterize lipid-lipid and lipid-protein interactions that are relevant for lipid regulation and cell signaling processes in cancer and liver disease. We use advanced simulation and dimensionality reduction techniques to extract meaningful conclusions from simulation trajectories that contain large amount of structural and temporal data. Collaborations with experimental groups, local and overseas, enrich our research and training environment. Some of our shorter studies focus on understanding the binding and function of small biomolecules with antibacterial properties on membranes.


  • Role of lipids in disease, glycosphingolipids and the external surface of cells
    Current cancer research is devoted to advance diagnostic tools for early detection and monitor treatment progress. Latest research in this area is focused in developing biomechanical methods to measure cell rigidity or lipidomics as markers for cancer. 
  • Viral Proteins and Cell Homeostasis, The Effect of Viroporins on Lipid Dynamics
    Lipids are major components of cellular membranes, they are also used to store energy and in signaling cascades in the cell. Lipid droplets (LDs) are lipid bodies synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum, and are involved in protein sorting and pathogen recognition.
  • Protein-lipid Interactions in Mechanisms of Cell Death
    One of the major challenges of cancer therapies is drug-resistance development. Cancer cells are able to develop resistance to apoptosis, a form of programmed cell death, and novel therapies are searching to target alternative routes for regulated cell death, such as necroptosis.