To ensure our computer engineering students are prepared for future success in their careers, the department follows a formal procedure in the development of curriculum and the assessment of the program.
With the help of our constituents, we identify career objectives a computer engineer should be able to meet within a few years after graduation.
We periodically survey our alumni and their employers to find out how well these objectives are being met. We also survey and assess students throughout the duration of the BS program to determine if they are acquiring the skills and knowledge they will need to achieve the defined career objectives.
The program is outcomes-based—based on what our students know and can do, not based on what is covered in class—and devoted to continuous improvement.
The BS degree in Computer Engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, ABET is a federation of 35 professional engineering and technical societies. Since 1932, ABET has provided quality assurance of education through accreditation. ABET accredits more than 3,500 engineering, engineering technology, computing, and applied science programs at over 700 colleges and universities in 29 countries.
With an ABET-accredited BS degree, graduates will have enhanced career opportunities.
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering has developed formal procedures for self-evaluation and continuous improvement designed to sustain a computer engineering education of increasing high quality and meet the accreditation requirements of ABET. Key components of this program include:
The constituents of the computer engineering program include:
Student outcomes describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of graduation. These relate to the knowledge, skills, and behaviors that students acquire as they progress through the program.
Graduates of the program will have:
Assessment is done to ensure that graduates of our program attain the student outcomes for the program, and that the program itself aligns with the needs of its constituents. Student achievement of outcomes is assessed at various points in the curriculum. Program educational objectives, which are developed with the assistance of a target group of employers and other constituents, are assessed through surveys of our alumni and their employers.
Co-Director of Undergraduate Studies
Dr. Kris Schindler
346 Davis Hall
Co-Director of Undergraduate Studies
Dr. Lukasz (Luke) Ziarek
338E Davis Hall
Undergraduate Academic Coordinator
Shelly Neumaier
338O Davis Hall
Prospective Student Questions
Current Student Questions