Besides raising famous open questions surrounding P, NP, and other complexity classes, the field has demonstrated the interrelatedness of myriad, diverse computational problems, the promise of quantum computing, the quantification of information, knowledge, and security, and the success of algorithmic methods in computational learning and data science.

CSE Research Labs and Groups

Affiliated Faculty

  • Tom Hayes.
    Tom Hayes, PhD
    PhD, University of Chicago

    120B Fargo Quad

    Phone: (716) 645-6162

    Associate Professor
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Topics: Theoretical computer science and machine learning, including convergence rates for Markov chains, sampling algorithms for random combinatorial structures, physics of algorithms, and distributed algorithms for radio-enabled sensor networks

  • Kaiyi Ji.
    Kaiyi Ji, PhD
    PhD, Ohio State University

    338G Davis Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-0306

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Topics: Optimization algorithms; machine learning; big data analytics; federated learning and networks

  • Matthew Knepley.
    Matthew Knepley, PhD
    PhD, Purdue University

    211A Capen Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-0747

    Co-Director of Graduate Studies
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
    Affiliated Faculty
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Topics: Scalable linear and nonlinear solvers for multiphysics problems; bioelectrostatics, classical density functional theory, and molecular modeling; geophysical modeling in crustal deformation, mantle convection, and magma dynamics; scientific library development and automated scientific computing; libraries and code generation for high performance computing and GPUs; FEM and BEM discretizations

  • Kelin Luo.
    Kelin Luo, PhD
    PhD, Xi'an Jiaotong University

    306 Davis Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-1589

    Assistant Professor of Teaching
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Topics: Theoretical computer science and operational research, including discrete optimization problems; online algorithms

  • Ken Regan.
    Ken Regan, PhD
    PhD, Oxford University

    326 Davis Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-4738

    Department of Computer Science and Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Topics: Mathematical logic; theoretical computer science

  • Atri Rudra.
    Atri Rudra, PhD
    PhD, University of Washington

    319 Davis Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-2464

    Katherine Johnson Chair in Artificial Intelligence
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Topics: Structured linear algebra; society and computing; coding theory; database algorithms