Efficient solutions are developed to solve fundamental operations, as well as large scientific problems that require expertise in computer science, mathematics, and scientific or engineering disciplines.

CSE Research Labs and Groups

Affiliated Faculty

  • Adekunle Afolabi.
    Adekunle Afolabi, PhD
    PhD, University of Eastern Finland

    120C Fargo Quad


    Assistant Professor of Teaching
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Health Informatics, recommender systems, software engineering, digital storytelling

  • Matthew Knepley.
    Matthew Knepley, PhD
    PhD, Purdue University

    211A Capen Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-0747


    Co-Director of Graduate Studies
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
    Affiliated Faculty
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Topics: Scalable linear and nonlinear solvers for multiphysics problems; bioelectrostatics, classical density functional theory, and molecular modeling; geophysical modeling in crustal deformation, mantle convection, and magma dynamics; scientific library development and automated scientific computing; libraries and code generation for high performance computing and GPUs; FEM and BEM discretizations

  • Tevfik Kosar.
    Tevfik Kosar, PhD
    PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison

    338J Davis Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-2323


    Department of Computer Science and Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Topics: Data clouds; data-intensive computing; petascale distributed systems; storage and I/O optimization

  • Russ Miller.
    Russ Miller, PhD
    PhD, Binghamton University

    338F Davis Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-4737


    UB Distinguished Professor
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
    Adjunct Professor
    Department of Electrical Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
    Senior Research Scientist at the Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute
    Adjunct Professor
    Department of Structural Biology
    Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

    Research Topics: High-performance computing; parallel algorithms and architectures; cyberinfrastructure; grid and cloud computing; computational crystallography; molecular structure determination; computational geometry

  • A. Erdem Sariyuce.
    A. Erdem Sariyuce, PhD
    PhD, The Ohio State University

    323 Davis Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-1592


    Associate Professor
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Topics: Graph mining; social network analysis; network science; temporal network analysis; combinatorial scientific computing; stream processing; distributed and parallel computing

  • JInjun Xiong.
    Jinjun Xiong, PhD
    PhD, University of California at Los Angeles

    316 Davis Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-4760


    SUNY Empire Innovation Professor
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
    Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

    Research Topics: Cognitive computing, big data analytics, deep learning, smarter energy, application of cognitive computing for industrial solutions

  • Jaroslaw (Jaric) Zola.
    Jaroslaw (Jaric) Zola, PhD
    PhD, Grenoble Institute of Technology, France

    209 Capen Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-3187


    Associate Professor
    Co-Director of Undergraduate Studies
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Topics: Scalable computing; high performance and parallel computing; computational biology; data-driven scientific computing