CSE faculty and staff outside of Davis Hall. Photo credit: Nancy J. Parisi
Our departmental mission comprises these activities:
The Department performs and is internationally known for research in the areas of:
The Department aims to provide students with strong conceptual foundations (theoretical and experimental), and also expose them to the forefront of the developments in the field of computing. Recognizing the applicability of computing to all fields of knowledge and practice, the Department will provide a variety of degrees and programs at each of the degree levels, and will cooperate with other units of the University to provide interdisciplinary degree programs.
The Department's mission includes providing state-of-the-art computer education and training to all students at UB to bring them to the level of knowledge and ability required by their major. This includes bringing all UB students to a basic level of computing skills which all instructors may expect all their students to have, and other students to the level required by their majors, so that all instructors may expect their students to be able to use computers appropriately in their coursework. The computer, communications, and information industries are experiencing an intense shortage of appropriately trained employees. Many of these jobs are appropriate for students with majors not in the discipline of computing, but with a knowledge of computing beyond the minimal required by their own majors. The CSE Department's mission includes providing appropriate computer education to prepare students throughout UB for employment in the information technology workforce.
The Department's mission includes supporting other UB departments to attract faculty with computing expertise appropriate to their programs, and to further develop the computing expertise of current faculty. Such support could include assistance with recruiting, offers of joint and adjunct appointments, and development of shared and collaborative research efforts and programs.
The Department's mission includes industrial outreach and other methods of sharing its expertise with the University, the Region, and the State, as is appropriate for a department in a State University.