Research Topics: Software/systems security and software engineering; program analysis and testing; machine learning for security; security and reliability of multi-language software, distributed systems, and mobile/IoT systems and applications
Research Topics: Large-scale Bayesian sampling and inference; deep generative models such as VAE and GAN; deep reinforcement learning with Bayesian methods
Research Topics: Computer vision; machine learning; multimodal data analytics; pattern recognition; large-scale visual search and mining; big data analytics
Research Topics: Approximation Algorithms with applications in combinatorial optimization and machine learning, mainly facility location (clustering), scheduling, and vehicle routing problems in the distributed and online setting.
Research Topics: Theoretical computer science and machine learning, including convergence rates for Markov chains, sampling algorithms for random combinatorial structures, physics of algorithms, and distributed algorithms for radio-enabled sensor networks
Research Topics: Computer Science Education; Curriculum and Instruction; Information Science; Access and Equity; Cultural Competence and Humility; Information behavior; Engineering Education; Information practices; Cognition; Curriculum and Instruction; Diversity; Digital Media and Learning; Environmental Education; Information literacy; Digital literacy; ESL / ENL / Bilingual
Research Topics: Emerging network technologies and security, machine learning for security and privacy, security and privacy in IoT and CPS, security and privacy in social networks, usable privacy and security
Research Topics: Optimizing software resource utilization through code smell refactoring in software running on a cloud environment; cloud computer, software engineering; and machine learning
Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Research Topics: Obtaining a better understanding of the dynamics and cognitive representations of stereotypes and prejudice, and their inter-relationships with sociocultural structure and behavior
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Research Topics: Scalable linear and nonlinear solvers for multiphysics problems; bioelectrostatics, classical density functional theory, and molecular modeling; geophysical modeling in crustal deformation, mantle convection, and magma dynamics; scientific library development and automated scientific computing; libraries and code generation for high performance computing and GPUs; FEM and BEM discretizations
Research Topics: Future generation communication systems; optical networks; survivable/resilient protocols; wireless and mobile networks (including sensor networks)
Research Topics: Optimal control in complex systems, including social behavior modeling, deep reinforcement learning, multi-agent settings, deep learning, adversarial machine learning, transportation and large-scale social system dynamics
Research Topics: Algorithms; computational geometry; machine learning; differential privacy; geometric computing in deep learning and biomedical applications