For undergraduate students who were previously enrolled within the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences as approved majors and seek to reenter must apply for readmission.

Readmission to engineering or computer science as an approved major requires the following: 

Students who spent time away from UB:

  1. Readmission to the University at Buffalo (UB). Students who spent time away from UB without an official leave of absence must first be readmitted by UB. It is recommended that students submit the reentry forms noted below by July 1 for the fall term and December 1 for the spring term.
  2. Submission of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Readmission Application. Readmission applications should be submitted at least two weeks before the start of the semester of reentry.

Students who remained at UB, in a major outside of engineering or computer science:

  1. Submission of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Major/Minor Change Application. Applications should be submitted at least two weeks before the start of the semester of reentry.
  2. Please closely monitor your UB email account for status updates on your application as additional information may be required to proceed. 

Students in Academic Good Standing

The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences carefully reviews Readmission Applications. Students who left SEAS in academic good standing, are currently in good academic standing at UB, and performed well at institutions they attended after leaving UB are generally permitted to return.

Students with Previous Academic Difficulties

Students who left SEAS with academic difficulties (e.g., academic probation or dismissal) or have experienced academic difficulties at UB or elsewhere after leaving SEAS may be conditionally readmitted if a convincing case can be made that circumstances have changed so that there is a reasonable probability of success. Students are expected to establish a post-dismissal academic record that shows that they can successfully complete technical courses. Following readmission, students must return to academic good standing in SEAS within one year. Readmitted students who fail to meet this requirement will be dismissed.

Readmission applications for students with previous academic difficulties require the following additional materials. 

  • A statement outlining circumstances that negatively influenced the student’s previous academic performance and a description of the steps the student has taken to overcome these circumstances. Relevant circumstances include physical or mental illness, illness/death in the family, or other difficult personal or family circumstances. Documentation should be provided when appropriate.
  • A statement addressing how the student spent their time away from SEAS. If the student completed coursework at another institution during this period, a transcript should be included with the readmission application.
  • A detailed academic plan that outlines a path to return to academic good standing within one year of readmission to SEAS. The academic plan provides a semester-by-semester list of courses to be completed along with course letter grades that are realistically achievable. The plan establishes semester-by-semester expectations regarding total and technical credit hours completed as well as minimum semester and cumulative technical GPAs.

The academic plan plays a key role in the reentry process. 

  • The plan must be reasonable. Plans that contain more than 15 total semester credit hours, more than 12 technical semester credit hours, and/or semester technical GPAs that exceed 2.5 are generally considered unreasonable. If a realistic plan cannot be developed, the student will not be permitted to reenter SEAS.
  • The academic plan should be developed in consultation with an academic advisor.
  • At the end of each semester, the SEAS Office of Academic Affairs examines the student’s academic performance. Failure to meet the total and technical credit hour and/or minimum semester and cumulative technical GPA objectives established within the academic plan will result in academic dismissal.
  • Provided the student meets the objectives outlined within the one-year academic plan, he/she will be returned to academic good standing and be subject to the standard SEAS Academic Review Policy.

Additional Requirements Following SEAS Academic Dismissal

Students dismissed under the 2009 SEAS Academic Review Policy are eligible to return after a minimum of one year away from SEAS.

Students dismissed once under the 2015 SEAS Academic Review Policy are eligible to return after a minimum of one fall or spring semester away from SEAS. After a second or subsequent dismissal from SEAS, the student must remain away from SEAS for at least two years.

Code of Professional Conduct

Students who have acted in a manner that is inconsistent with the SEAS Code of Professional Conduct may be denied admission to the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.