Alan Hunt, Demo Day host and CSE 611 instructor; Demo Day 2019 first place winners Pranjal Jain, Saurab Chauhan, Pranav Vij, and Nikhil Lala; and Sonny Sonnenstein, Demo Day sponsor and M&T Bank SVP & CIO, Consumer, Business, and Digital Banking
Student groups from several CSE capstone classes present the culmination of three months of effort, hard work, (metaphorical) blood, sweat (well... caffeine really), and tears (see above).
Vehicle Trim Text Extraction, by Pranjal Jain, Saurab Chauhan, Pranav Vij, and Nikhil Lala. This CSE 611 team employed a combination of iOS development, computer vision, and machine learning to build a system that allows vehicle condition inspectors from local startup ACV Auctions to automatically recognize and extract options package information from photos taken of the rear of vehicles.
Crowdsource Data Reviews and Events Calendar, by Saranya Illa, Amanda Pellechia, Sowmith Nallu, Alan Romano, Venkatesh Viswanathan
Choreographic Lineage, by Amit Bannerjee, Miki Padhiary, Yogesh Sawant, Shreyas Rajguru
OneDataShare - Cross Platform Mobile Client, by Linus Castelino, Atul Kumar Singh, Harsh Gandhi
Oliver Kennedy, Database Bake-Off host and CSE 562 instructor; Database Bake-Off 2019 winners, the slow mo guys: Mohammad Umair, Hariprasath Parthasarathy, and Syed Aqhib Ahmed
In 2019, we added the Database Bake-Off—a competition in which student database developers race their homemade databases to see whose system can complete a standard set of SQL queries in the fastest time.
"slo mo guys", Hariprasath Parthasarathy, Syed Aqhib Ahmed, Mohammad Umair
"Lone Wolf", Varsha Ganesh
"Lannisters", Srinivas Rishindra Pothireddi, Lakshmi Narasimhavihari Vemuri, Sri Harsha
And the students of: