
  • Shi Li NSF CAREER Award
    CSE Assistant Professor Shi Li’s project aims to leverage cutting-edge techniques in mathematical programming to advance our understanding of fundamental scheduling problems involving a set of dependent tasks over a collection of machines. Successful completion of the project, entitled “Approximate Scheduling Algorithms via Mathematical Relaxations,” will not only yield improved algorithms for fundamental scheduling problems, but will also enhance our understanding of advanced mathematical relaxation techniques.
  • Nils Napp NSF CAREER Award
    CSE Assistant Professor Nils Napp’s project, entitled “Abstraction Barriers for Embodied Algorithms,” addresses the problem of modeling physical interactions of robots in real-world environments. For example, a robot action can inadvertently change the state of the world, sometimes directly causing accidents or causing problems in future robot-world interactions. This project addresses this problem in the context of robot construction by developing representations of the world state that robots can reason about and use for planning. These allow programmers to treat robots and embodied algorithms and to make robots that reliably operate when modifying the environment and building structures.
  • Karthik Dantu NSF CAREER Award
    CSE Assistant Professor Karthik Dantu’s project, entitled “Enabling Seamless Vision Sensing in Cloud-Edge Systems,” will develop computing solutions between the cloud and edge/mobile devices to enable more complex visual sensing on mobile/wearable devices for applications in augmented reality, virtual reality, face recognition, activity recognition and others. He will develop software frameworks to allow easier deployment of future visual sensing applications through multi-sensor fusion, providing spatial awareness on edge devices and smartly moving the computation between the edge and the cloud.
  • Five faculty receive achievement awards from IEEE Region 1

    Over the past two years, five faculty members from UB’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences have received awards from the Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers (IEEE) Region 1 chapter.

  • Yan wins ACM SIGMM Outstanding Thesis Award

    Computer science PhD alumnus Zhisheng Yan earned the 2018 Outstanding PhD Thesis in Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications Award from the Association for Computer Machinery Special Interest Group on Multimedia Systems (ACM SIGMM).

  • Yuan named Fellow of the International Association of Pattern Recognition

    Junsong Yuan, an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, has been named a Fellow of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR). The award recognizes his contribution to “human action and gesture analysis” in the field.

  • 5 faculty from SEAS receive UB exceptional scholar, innovative teacher awards

    Five faculty from SEAS were among the eighteen UB researchers and teachers that have been named recipients of the university’s 2018 Exceptional Scholar and Teaching Innovation awards.

  • Two from SEAS receive SUNY Chancellor's Awards

    Kui Ren and Terri Nusstein from the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences have been named recipients of the 2018 SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence.

  • Zhang named ACM Fellow

    Aidong Zhang, a SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, is one of 54 computer scientists named a 2017 Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Zhang is being recognized for her contributions to bioinformatics and data mining.

  • Saha wins trio of networking awards
    Swetank Kumar Saha (PhD Candidate '18) has won a trio of networking awards this October, all based on his work associated with the NSF CAREER and CRI-funded Millimeter Wave Networking Project.