CSE 50th Anniversary Celebration

September 28 - October 1, 2017 | University at Buffalo



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50th Anniversary Program

Note: For those who have grants that cover travel costs. We have created a special event, the 'Emerging Topics in Computing Symposium', which will be held concurrently on September 28th - October 1st and shares sessions with the Graduate Research Conference and Alumni Symposium.

On this page:

Thursday, September 28th - Welcome Reception & Undergraduate Demonstrations

Welcome Reception & Undergraduate Demonstrations

5:00pm to 8:00pm, Davis Hall

Join us for a welcome reception with cocktails and hors d'oeuvres. Alumni, students, faculty, staff, friends and family are all encouraged to attend. Enjoy photo opportunities by our guestbook wall and tours of Davis Hall provided by our student volunteers. Undergraduate students will be presenting demonstrations and posters of their work and winners will be awarded near the end of the evening. Come to mingle and network as the Department of Computer Science and Engineering kicks off its 50th Anniversary Celebration.

Friday, September 29th - Graduate Research Conference

Graduate Research Conference

8:30AM to 4:30PM, Center for the Arts
8:00 AM Breakfast and Registration
8:30 AM Opening Remarks by President Satish Tripathi

Welcome by UB VP for Research and Economic Development, Dr. Venu Govindaraju

Welcome by ETC Symposium Chairs: Dr. Shambhu Upadhyaya and Dr. Murat Demirbas

9:00 AM First Keynote Speaker - Dr. Victor Bahl (Microsoft Research) 
  “Democratization of Streaming Video Analytics & the Emergence of Edge Computing”
9:45 AM Session 1 - Chair: Xiaojun (Matt) Cao (GSU)

Invited Talk: Prof. Pavan Aduri (Iowa State University), “Pseudo Deterministic Algorithms”


Invited Talk: Assistant Prof. Hu Ding (Michigan State University), "Balanced k-Center Clustering When k is a Constant"


Nishant Sankaran, Sergey Tulyakov, Srirangaraj Setlur and Venugopal Govindaraju. “Metadata-based Feature Aggregation Network for Face Recognition”

10:45 AM Coffee Break
11:15 AM Session 2 - Chair: Erdem Sariyuce (UB)

Invited talk: Prof. Bruce Shriver (Liddy Shriver Sarcoma Initiative), "Unconventional Computer Architectures"


Manjusha Choorakuzil, Adam Czerniejewski, Lukasz Ziarek and Bharat Jayaraman. “Model Extraction and Run-time Verification of jUAV : a Java-based adaptation of Paparazzi-UAV”


Di Wang and Jinhui Xu. “Differentially Private Empirical Risk Minimization with Non-convex Loss Function”

12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Second Keynote Speaker - Prof. Jian Pei (Simon Fraser University)
1:45 PM Session 3 - Chair: Marco Gaboardi (UB)

Invited talk: Dr. Rad Niazadeh (Stanford University), “Algorithms vs. Mechanisms for Bayesian Welfare Optimization”


Chaowen Guan and Kenneth Regan. “Emulating Quantum Circuits Via Boolean Formulas and SAT Solving”


Duc Thanh Anh Luong and Varun Chandola. “longSil: An Evaluation Metric to Assess Quality of Longitudinal Disease Subtypes”

2:45 PM Coffee Break
3:15 PM Third Keynote Speaker - Prof. Jin-Yi Cai (University of Wisconsin - Madison), "The Classification Program of Counting Problems"
4:00 PM Session 4 - Chair: Pavan Aduri (Iowa State University)

Invited talk: Hongyi Wu (Old Dominion University), “Intelligent Surveillance and Reconnaissance based on 3D Wireless Sensor Networks: Challenges and Findings”


Niyazi Sorkunlu, Duc Thanh Anh Luong and Varun Chandola. “dynamicMF: A Matrix Factorization Approach to Monitor Resource Usage in High Performance Computing Systems”


Junfei Wang, Jun Chu, Darshan Bagul, Lu Meng and Sargur Srihari. “Mining Place-Time Affinity to Improve POI Recommendation”


Seyed Mahdi Shamsi and Nils Napp. “Parametrized Gait with a Tuning Parameter for Interpolation Scheme”

Bus Tour of Buffalo

10:00am to 4:30pm, Center for the Arts

Buffalo Open-Air Autobus Tour: Two 2-hour driving sessions (4 hours total) with a 1-hour break for lunch.

Tours of the City of Buffalo are provided by Open Air Buffalo and the Campaign for Greater Buffalo History, Architecture & Culture.

Tour buses leave from the Center for the Arts at University at Buffalo North Campus at 10am and return at 4:30pm. Space is limited. Sign up for tours through our event registration form.

Cook-out Dinner

5:30pm to 9:00pm, Glen Oak

A casual dinner reception at Glen Oak hosted by Dr. Chunming Qiao and featuring the Department of Computer Science and Engineering House Band. The welcome desk opens at 5:30pm with music and remarks from Dr. Qiao beginning at 6:00pm. Dinner at 7:00pm followed by an award ceremony with prizes for the winners of the Undergraduate Demonstrations and Graduate Research Conference. Join us in celebrating our students and alumni!

A shuttle bus will be provided from the Marriott (DoubleTree guests should meet the shuttle here) at 4:50pm, Staybridge at 5:00pm, and Center for the Arts at 5:15pm. Shuttle will leave Glen Oak at 9:00pm and return to hotels.

Saturday, September 30th - Alumni Symposium, 50th Anniversary Banquet

Alumni Symposium

8:30am to 6:00pm, Center for the Arts
8:00 AM Breakfast and Registration
8:15 AM Presentation of CSE Video and CSE Jingle
8:30 AM Welcome remarks by President Satish Tripathi, Professor, CSE
  Welcome remarks by Dean Liesl Folks
9:00 AM Welcome remarks by Dr. Chunming Qiao, Professor and Chair, CSE
9:15 AM Keynote Speaker Introduction by President Tripathi
9:20 AM Keynote Speaker: Dr. Sung-Mo “Steve” Kang (UC Santa Cruz) (MS, ’72)
  “The 4th Industrial Revolution and Future of Nanoscience and Engineering”
9:50 AM Coffee Break
10:20 AM Panel 1: Hot Topics in Industry and Academia

Chair:  D. Sivakumar


Panelists: Victor Bahl (Microsoft), Anmol Bhasin (Salesforce), Jin-Yi Cai (Wisconsin), Justin Delvecchio (CURC), Robert Myers (IBM Innovation Center Buffalo), Ashish Naik (Google), Jian Pei (Simon Fraser), Sridhar Seshadri  (Synopsys)

12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Panel 2: Entrepreneurship - Opportunities and Lessons Learned

Chair: Kannan Govindarajan


Panelists: Russ Agrusa (Iconics), Bob Fritzinger (UB TechTransfer), Dan Magnuszewski (ACV), Rohini K. Srihari (UB)

1:45 PM State of the Department, Dr. Chunming Qiao
2:15 PM Computing Research Poster Session
  Chairs: Chang Wen Chen and Kui Ren
4:00 PM Panel 3: How UB Education Helped My Career

Chairs: Bob Girardi and Swapnil Khedekar


Panelists: Anmol Bhasin (Salesforce, previously at Groupon, LinkedIn), Roger Choplin (retired, previously at Oracle), Bob DelZoppo (SRC), Norman Hayes (previously at AT&T Bell Labs, SUN, Juniper), Gary Masterson (BCG, previously at Calspan)

4:45 PM Panel 4: Vision for CSE Department

Chair: Bharat Jayaraman


Panelists: Raj Acharya (Indiana U), Mark Crovella (Boston U), Deepak Kumar (Bryn Mawr College), D. Sivakumar (Google), Aidong Zhang (UB)

5:30 PM Concluding Remarks, Dr. Chunming Qiao

50th Anniversary Banquet

6:00pm, Buffalo Marriott Niagara Hotel

Our 50th Anniversary Banquet commences with a cocktail reception at 6:00pm with dinner to follow at 6:30pm. An interactive session of 'Best Memories about CSE' begins at 7:30pm, hosted by Roger Choplin and Sreenivas Gollapudi. Award Ceremony at 8:30pm.

Sunday, October 1st - Brunch


9:00am to 12:00pm, Center for the Arts

Join us for networking, photo opportunities, and survey.

Celebrate with us

Our department is one of the first in the nation to offer the Computer Science program. CSE@UB is home to all CS and CE (as a part of the previous ECE) faculty, students and alumni. We are very proud of our heritage and that we have grown into the largest department within the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. We are equally proud of our alumni and their high achievements over the years, and our many talented students who embody the hope of tomorrow. Our anniversary celebration offers many opportunities to socialize and network with students, faculty and alumni, including a Golf Outing, Graduate Research Conference, and Alumni Symposium. Join us as we celebrate our 50th Anniversary!

For those who have grants that cover travel costs, we have created a special event, the 'Emerging Topics in Computing Symposium', which will be held concurrently on September 28th - October 1st and shares sessions with the 50th Anniversary Graduate Research Conference and Alumni Symposium.

Event information

Dates: 9/28/2017 - 10/1/2017
Location: University at Buffalo North Campus

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Keynote speakers for Friday and Saturday have been announced.

Video of Baidu CEO Robin Li with subtitles

Robin Li, founder and CEO of Baidu, talks about his time as a CS student at the University at Buffalo.

Registration for the CSE50 Anniversary Celebration is now open!

Computer Science and Engineering 50 years video

CSE50: The Department of Computer Science and Engineering celebrates 50 years!

Rooms are now available at the beautiful Buffalo Marriott Niagara hotel!

'Stronger CSE @ UB, Better You and Me'
Lyrics by Prof. Chunming Qiao, Music by Preet Desai

Event Date: September 28, 2017 This content is archived.

Computer Science [and Engineering] Timeline

Highlights from the Department of Computer Science (CS) and the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

  • CSE 50 1967-2017

    Click here to see our entire timeline of the first 50 years of Computer Science and Engineering at UB.

  • Entry way to the Ridge Lea Campus.
    Ridge Lea

    UB assigns us our first home on the Ridge Lea Campus. 

  • computer science students work on keypunches.
    Milestone: 5 Faculty

    The Computer Science Department at the University at Buffalo is formed within the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences (FEAS).

  • UB tuition and fees, Academic Year 1967-1968.
    Grad Programs at Inception

    University course catalogs first describe our Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy programs.

  • Faculty in 1970.
    Milestone: 10 Faculty

    We achieve the ten faculty member milestone.

  • Playing chess on a computer in 1972.
    Chess-Playing Graphical Computer

    Nick Findler buys a chess-playing graphical computer with NSF funds, beginning a long departmental tradition of incorporating games into our research.

  • image of Buffalo.
    Buffalo buffalo Buffalo

    William J. Rapaport popularizes the grammatically-parsable phrase, "Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo".

  • processing medical images on a computer in 1975.
    Medical Image Processing Group

    Gabor T. Herman develops a world-renowned Medical Image Processing Group from 1969 to 1981. 

  • Alt text for mini computer.
    No More Punchcards

    We buy a Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) VAX 11/750 minicomputer. 

  • Bell Hall exterior.
    Bell Hall

    We take up residence in Bell Hall, placing us in the center of North Campus activity and culture.

  • collage of CSE faculty in 1985.
    Milestone: 15 Faculty

    We achieve the 15 (actually 16) faculty member milestone.

  • alt text for first grad conference.
    First Grad Conference

    Jim Geller (PhD, '88) organizes our first annual grad conference to give our grad students a forum to show off their current research.

  • collage of CSE faculty in 1989.
    Milestone: 20 Faculty

    We achieve the 20 faculty member milestone.

  • portrait of Dr. Sargur Srihari.
  • Newspaper article from 1992 describing CSE 25th Anniversary.
    25th Anniversary

    We celebrate our 25th anniversary with a banquet and a symposium.

  • image of the brain courtesy of the Center for Cognitive Science.

    The university establishes a multidisciplinary Center for Cognitive Science, uniting computer science with cognitive psychology disciplines.

  • collage of CSE faculty in 1997.
    Milestone: 25 Faculty

    We achieve the 25 (actually 26) faculty member milestone.

  • CSE logo from 1998.
    CS + CE = CSE

    The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) is born!

  • collage of CSE faculty in 1998.
    Milestone: 30 Faculty

    The merger accelerates us past the 30 faculty member milestone. Between '97 and '98, we grow from 26 to 33 faculty.

  • Russ Miller.

    Russ Miller founds the Center for Computational Research, the university supercomputer cluster that has the capability of processing 60 billion operations per second.

  • collage of CSE faculty in 2000.
    Milestone: 35 Faculty

    We enter the 2000s with 36 faculty.

  • Shambhu Upadhyaya in his computer lab.
  • Ifeoma Nwogu, Ranga Setlur, Venu Govindaraju, Ricardo Rodriguez.
  • CSE 40th Anniversary Logo.
    40th Anniversary

    We convened at the Ramada Hotel and Conference Center to celebrate our 40th anniversary.

  • Davis Hall exterior.
    Davis Hall

    Davis Hall—Our brand-new, state-of-the-art departmental headquarters.

  • CSE faculty outside Davis Hall in 2015.
    Milestone: 40 Faculty

    We begin Fall 2015 with a strength of 40 faculty.

  • CSE 50th Anniversary logo.
    50th Anniversary

    The Department of Computer Science and Engineering celebrates its 50th anniversary.