Earthquake resistant design; blast resistant design; multi-hazard engineering; dynamic response of structures; seismic evaluation and retrofit of steel bridges and steel buildings; seismic evaluation and retrofit of unreinforced masonry buildings; ultimate behavior of steel, metal and advanced composite structures; behavior of guyed-towers, cable structures, long-span and tall structures
Chair: Alan Rabideau
Full-time Faculty: 33
41 Nations represented
Degrees Offered:
• Bachelor's of Science
• Joint BS (Civil)/MBA
• Master's of Science
• Doctors of Philosophy
Student Body:
• 528 Undergraduate
• 80 Graduate
Research Overview:
• 59,688 square feet of teaching and research labs across two buildings
Research areas in:
• Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Materials
• Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
• Transportation systems engineering
• Geosystems Engineering