Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Engineering Statistics and Econometrics Applications (ESEA) Research Laboratory
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Research Topics: Statistical/Econometric modeling, methods and applications in engineering problems, traffic safety, reliability/sustainability of infrastructure systems, crisis management, public-private partnerships, transportation planning, and engineering economics.
Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Research Topics: Vulnerable road user safety; use of virtual reality to study human interactions with CV/AV technology and alternative roadway designs; development of CV/AV applications; and transportation equity and sustainability
Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Research Topics: Electrochemical separations for climate change mitigation/adaptation, Public health, and Environmental justice; Environmental science & technology studies through critical perspectives
Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Research Topics: Creating sustainable biological processes to address needs in engineered and natural systems for water and wastewater treatment and resource recovery.
Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Registered Professional Engineer
Province of Ontario
Research Topics: Earthquake resistant design; blast resistant design; multi-hazard engineering; dynamic response of structures; seismic evaluation and retrofit of steel bridges and steel buildings; seismic evaluation and retrofit of unreinforced masonry buildings; ultimate behavior of steel, metal and advanced composite structures; behavior of guyed-towers, cable structures, long-span and tall structures
Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Research Topics: Environmental pathogen persistence and disinfection; Environmental surveillance of pathogens; Environmental exposure and human diseases