Dual Diploma Program with Istanbul Technical University

Picture of Dual Diploma Graduates 2012.

Our dual diploma program is an undergraduate program for Turkish students in which the participants spend half of their education at a campus of the State University of New York (SUNY) and half at a Turkish university.

The University at Buffalo (UB) partnered with Istanbul Technical University (ITU) in 2003 to implement a dual diploma program offering undergraduate degrees in civil engineering and environmental engineering, with the first cohort graduating in 2008. While the environmental engineering dual diploma program is no longer accepting new students, the civil engineering dual diploma program continues to enroll new students each year.

Resources For Current DDP Students


Program flowsheets show the required courses by semester. 

The latest course information can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog.

Important Contacts

Ms. Amanda Allen

Undergraduate Academic Coordinator
212 D Ketter Hall

Cemal Basaran

Professor, director, ITU Dual Diploma Program
243 Ketter Hall

UB-ITU Dual Diploma Handbook

In this handbook, you will find the requirements for graduation, a list of the most important academic policies, tips for academic success at UB, and advice for overcoming academic problems.

UB-ITU Alternative Handbook

This handbook provides incoming and current ITU-UB students with suggestions from other current and former ITU-UB students on how to navigate living in Buffalo. This handbook has suggestions on how to succeed academically, and offers advice on how to have a rewarding social life.

Helpful Links and Resources