Experts propose feds use sanctions and cyberweapons to fight deepfakes

Published June 18, 2019 This content is archived.


Experts propose feds use sanctions and cyberweapons to fight deepfakes

David Doermann’s testimony before the House Intelligence Committee was quoted in NextGov about the need for social media companies and the federal government to help fight deepfakes with cyberweapons and sanctions.

Doermann, director of UB's AI Institute and an Empire Innovation Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, said it’s already possible to analyze videos and images to determine if they’re deepfakes, but it’s difficult to scale those efforts across an enormous platform like Facebook, and added that Congress should pressure social media companies to build a system for identifying and flagging deepfakes on their site. The content doesn’t necessarily need to be removed, he said, but there should be some sort of disclaimer added to inform viewers that it’s not real.

Read the story here.

The story also appeared in Defense One.

Doermann also was quoted in an article on C4ISRNet. “[DARPA] was assigned to address both current and future manipulation capabilities, not with a single point solution, but with a comprehensive approach,” he said. “What was not expected, however, was the speed at which this technology would evolve.”