Our structural engineering, mechanics and materials researchers continue to enhance community resiliency to earthquake, develop design guidelines for buildings and other structures.
Environmental and water resources engineering researchers track viruses, make the world more sustainable, develop innovative ways to purify water, protect the Great Lakes, and fight pollution in our air and water.
Transportation engineers focus enhance the efficiency, safety, sustainability and resiliency of surface transportation systems. Our researchers work on cutting-edge projects, developing transportation options for entire cities and more.
Geosystems enginees address a range of topics, including computational geomechanics, deep foundations, ground improvement, seismic response of soils, retrofit of foundations, dams, slopes and retaining walls.
Resilient communities; Reliability analysis; Performance-based design; Cascading multi-hazard analysis; fire engineering; and earthquake engineering
136 Ketter Hall
Buffalo NY, 14260
Phone: (716) 645-3019