Sai Sharath Parsi and Kaivalya Lal have been supporting a three-year project, funded by the Department of Energy, to develop a horizontal compact high temperature gas reactor model.
Andrew S. Whittaker, SUNY Distinguished Professor in civil, structural and environmental engineering, is the inaugural recipient of the American Nuclear Society’s (ANS) Untermyer & Cisler Reactor Technology Medal.
Andrew Whittaker, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, won the prestigious Nathan M. Newmark Medal from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
WGRZ-TV reports that UB is part of a state-led initiative seeking federal funding to create a multi-state hydrogen fuel research hub. The report includes comments from Andrew Whittaker, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering.
The Associated Press reports on how the devastating earthquake that toppled buildings across parts of Turkey and Syria has revived a longstanding debate locally and in neighboring Cyprus about a large nuclear power station being built on Turkey’s southern Mediterranean coastline.
A focus on hydrogen-related clean energy technologies brought together industry leaders, researchers, funding agencies and educators for a daylong workshop Dec. 9 on the North Campus.
Newsweek interviewed Andrew Whitaker, SUNY Distinguished Professor of civil, structural and environmental engineering, about if a super typhoon that is battering Japan poses a threat to the country’s many nuclear plants.