Operations research, game theory, hazard response
[V-6] Long, E., G. Montibeller, and J. Zhuang (Eds.). Decision Analysis, Special issue on “Emerging Topics in Health Decision Analysis,” 2022 (expected).
[V-5] Zhuang, J., C. Wang, and J. H. Lambert (Eds.). Risk Analysis, Special issue on “Risk Analysis in the Digital Era,” 2022 (expected).
[V-4] Zhuang, J., V. M. Bier, and S. Guikema (Eds.). Risk Analysis, Special issue on “Adversary Behavior: Validating the Models,” Volume 36, Issue 4, 2016.
[V-3] Hausken, K. and J. Zhuang (Eds.). “Game Theoretic Analysis of Congestion, Safety and Security: Networks, Air Traffic and Emergency Departments,” Series in Reliability Engineering, Springer, 2015. ISBN 978-3-319-13009-5.
[V-2] Hausken, K. and J. Zhuang (Eds.). “Game Theoretic Analysis of Congestion, Safety and Security: Traffic and Transportation Theory,” Series in Reliability Engineering, Springer, 2015. ISBN 978-3-319-11674-7.
[V-1] Zhuang, J., X. Xu, and G. Cai (Eds). Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Special issue on “Discrete Dynamic Gaming Models in Supply Chain Management and Project Management,” 2014.
( ♮: graduate student; ♭: undergraduate student; ♯: visiting scholars; =: list alphabetically by last names; ∗: corresponding author)
[J-140] Li, L., J. Zhou, J. Zhuang, and Q. Zhang “Gender-Specific Emotional Characteristics of Crisis Communication on Social Media: Case Studies of Two Public Health Crises,” Information Processing and Management, 60(3): 103299, 2023.
[J-139] Wei, Z.♮ and J. Zhuang∗ “On the Adoption of Nonpharmaceutical Interventions during the Pandemic: An Evolutionary Game Model,” Risk Analysis, forthcoming.
[J-138] Al Aziz, R.♮ and J. Zhuang “A Multi-attribute Utility Framework for Patients to Determine Childbirth Method Considering Uncertainties, Patient Preferences, Risk Attitudes, and Pregnancy Complications,” IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, forthcoming.
[J-137] Hunt, K.♮, P. Agarwal♮, and J. Zhuang∗ “Monitoring Misinformation on Twitter during Crisis Events: A Machine Learning Approach,” Risk Analysis, 42 (8), 1728-1748, 2022.
[J-136] Wang, X., Y. Yang, and J. Zhuang∗ “Pricing Decisions with Social Interactions: A Game- theoretic Model,” Decision Analysis, forthcoming.
[J-135] Wan, Q.♮, X. Xu, K. Hunt♮, and J. Zhuang∗ “Stay Home or Not? Modeling Individuals Decisions During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Decision Analysis, 19(4): 319-336, 2022.
[J-134] Mahbub, N.♮, A. Le♮, and J. Zhuang “Online Crowd-funding Strategy: A Game-theoretical Approach to a Kickstarter Case Study,” Annals of Operations Research, 315: 10191036, 2022.
[J-133] Chen, X., Y. Dong, K. Hunt♮, and Zhuang “Counterterrorism Resource Allocation during a Pandemic: The Effects of Dynamic Target Valuations when Facing a Strategic Terrorist,” Risk Analysis, forthcoming.
[J-132] Long, E., G. Montibeller, and J. Zhuang “Health Decision Analysis: Evolution, Trends, and Emerging Topics,” Decision Analysis, 19(4):255-264, 2022.
[J-131] Zhuang, J.∗, C. Wang, and J. Lambert “Machine Learning and Other Information Analyses for Risk in Social Networks,” Risk Analysis, 42 (8), 1603-1605, 2022.
[J-130] Jose, E.♮, P. Agarwal♮, J. Zhuang, and J. Swaminathan. “A Multi-criteria Decision Making Approach to evaluating the Performance of Indian Railway Zones,” Annals of Operations Research, forthcoming.
[J-129] Gu, M.♯ , H. Guo, J. Zhuang∗, Y. Du, L. Qian. “Social Media User Behavior and Emotions during Crisis Events,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(9):5197, 2022.
[J-128] Hunt, K.♮, P. Agarwal♮, and J. Zhuang “On the Adoption of New Technology to Enhance Counterterrorism Measures: An Attacker-defender Game with Risk Preferences,” Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 218: 108151, 2022.
[J-127] Hunt, K.♮, A. Narayanan♮, and J. Zhuang “Blockchain in Humanitarian Operations Management: A Review of Research and Practice,” Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 80: 101175, 2022.
[J-126] Agarwal, P.♮, R. Al Aziz♮, and J. Zhuang∗ “Interplay of Rumor Propagation and Clarification on Social Media during Crisis Events—A Game-Theoretic Approach,” European Journal of Operational Research, 298(2): 714-733, 2022.
[J-125] Coles, J.♮, J. Zhang♮, and J. Zhuang∗ “Bridging the Research-Practice Gap in Disaster Relief: Using the IFRC Code of Conduct to develop an aid model,” Annals of Operations Research, 312, 1337-1357, 2022.
[J-124] Ding, X.♯, X. Zhang, R. Fan, Q. Xu, K. Hunt♮, and Jun Zhuang∗, “Rumor Recognition Behavior of Social Media Users in Emergencies,” Journal of Management Science and Engineering, 7(1): 36-47, 2022.
[J-123] Song, C.♮ , J. Guo, F. Gholizadeh♭, and J. Zhuang. “Quantitative Analysis of Food Safety Policy – Based on Text Mining Methods,” Foods, 11(21), 3421, 2022.
[J-122] Xia, L., B. Chen, K. Hunt♭, J. Zhuang, and C. Song♭. “Food Safety Awareness and Opinions: A Social Network Analysis Approach,” Foods, 11(18), 2909, 2022.
[J-121] Song, C.♮ , D. Yu, E. Jose♭, J. Zhuang, and H. Geng. “A Hybrid Recommendation Approach for Viral Food Based on Online Reviews,” Foods, 10(8), 1801, 2021.
[J-120] Gu, M.♯ , H. Guo, and J. Zhuang∗. “Social Media Behavior and Emotional Evolution during Emergency Events,” Healthcare, 9(9): 1109, 2021.
[J-119] Li, J., Z. Ye, J. Zhuang, N. Okada, L. Huang, G. Han, “Changes of public risk perception in China: 2008-2018,” Science of The Total Environment, 799: 149453, 2021.
[J-118] Wan, Q.♮, X. Xu, J. Zhuang, and B. Pan. “A Sentiment Analysis-based Expert Weight Determination Method for Large-scale Group Decision-making Driven by Social Media Data,” Expert Systems With Applications, 185: 115629, 2021.
[J-117] Hunt, K.♮, P. Agarwal♮, and J. Zhuang∗ “Technology Adoption for Airport Security: Modeling Public Disclosure and Secrecy in an Attacker-defender Game,” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 207: 107355, 2021.
[J-116] Li, L., Q. Zhang, and J. Zhuang∗ “Delete or Not: A Game Theoretical Model for Soft- Censorship of Rumor,” Risk Analysis, 41(10): 1840-1859, 2021.
[J-115] Dong, Y., X. Chen, K. Hunt♮, and Zhuang “Defensive Resource Allocation: The Roles of Forecast Information and Risk Control,” Risk Analysis, 41(8): 1304-1322, 2021.
[J-114] Jiang, M.♮, Q. Gao♯, and J. Zhuang∗ “Reciprocal Spreading and Debunking Processes of Online Misinformation: A New Rumor Spreading-Debunking Model with A Case Study,” Physica A, 565, 125572, 2021.
[J-113] Zhang, J.♮, Y. Wang♮, and J. Zhuang∗ “Modeling Multi-Target Defender-attacker Games with Quantal Response Attack Strategies,” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 205: 107165, 2021.
[J-112] Behrendt, A.♭, K. Lukasiewicz♭, D. Seaberg♭, and J. Zhuang∗. “Trends in Multidisciplinary Hazard and Disaster Research: A 1982-2017 Case Study,” Risk Analysis, 41(7): 1195-1203, 2021.
[J-111] Agarwal, P.♮, K. Hunt♭, J. Zhuang, B. Sarkar, A. Sarkar, and R. Sharma “An Exploratory Analysis for Performance Assessment of State Police Forces in India: An Eclectic Approach,” Operational Research, 21, 1125-1151, 2021.
[J-110] Gao, Q.l♯, J. Zhuang, T. Wu, and H. Shen “Transmission Dynamics and Quarantine Control of COVID-19 in Cluster Community: A New Transmission-Quarantine Model with Case Study for Diamond Princess,” Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 31(3): 619-648, 2021.
[J-109] Song, C.♮, J. Guo♮, and J. Zhuang∗ “Analyzing Passengers’ Emotions following Flight Delays – A 2011-2019 Case Study on Skytrax comments,” Journal of Air Transport Management, 89, 101903, 2020.
[J-108] Hunt, K.♭, B. Wang♮, and J. Zhuang∗ “Misinformation Debunking and Cross-Platform In- formation Sharing through Twitter during Hurricanes Harvey and Irma: A Case Study on Shelters and ID Checks,” Natural Hazards, 103(1), 861-883, 2020.
[J-107] Agarwal, P.♮, J. Tang♮, A. Lakshmi Narayanan♮, and J. Zhuang∗ “Big Data and Predictive Analytics in Fire Risk using Weather Data,” Risk Analysis, 40(7): 1438-1449, 2020.
[J-106] Agarwal, P.♮, K. Hunt♭, S. Srinivasan♮, and J. Zhuang∗ Fire Code Inspection and Com- pliance: A Game-Theoretic Model Between Fire Inspection Agencies and Building Owners, Decision Analysis, 17(3): 208-226, 2020.
[J-105] Aziz, R.♮, M. He♮ , and J. Zhuang∗ An Attacker-defender Resource Allocation Game With Substitution and Complementary Effects, Risk Analysis, 40(7): 1481-1506, 2020.
[J-104] Chu, Z. A. Zhou♯, Y. Ma, J. Zhuang, L. Zhang, and J. Ma. “Comparison of Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Capacity in China: A Tournament Graph Method,” Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 22, 19131921, 2020.
[J-103] Wan, Q.♯, X. Xu, X. Chen, and J. Zhuang “A Two-stage Optimization model for Large-Scale Group Decision-Making in Disaster Management: Minimizing Group Conflict and Maximizing Individual Satisfaction,” Group Decision and Negotiation, 29, 901-921, 2020.
[J-102] Wang, J.♯ , J. Hu♯, S. Shen, J. Zhuang, S. Ni. “Crime Risk Analysis through Big Data Algorithm with Urban Metrics,” Physica A, 545: 123627, 2020.
[J-101] Guan, L., Y. Mu, X. Xu, L. Zhang, and J. Zhuang=. “Keep It or Give Back? Optimal Pric- ing Strategy of Reward-based Crowdfunding with Hybrid Mechanism,” International Journal of Production Research, 58(22): 6868-6889, 2020.
[J-100] Yang, Z. J, and J. Zhuang. “Information Seeking and Information Sharing Related to Hurricane Harvey,” Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 97(4): 1054-1079, 2020.
[J-99] Song, C.♮ , C. Guo, K. Hunt♭ and J. Zhuang. “An Analysis of Public Opinions Regarding Take-Away Food Safety: A 2015-2018 Case Study on Sina Weibo,” Foods, 9(4), 511, 2020.
[J-98] Shan, X.♮, and J. Zhuang, “A Game-Theoretic Approach to Modeling Attacks and Defenses of Smart Grids,” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 195: 106683, 2020.
[J-97] He, F.♮ , J. Zhuang, and N. Rao “Discrete Game-Theoretic Analysis of Attack and Defense in Correlated Cyber-Physical Systems,” Annals of Operations Research, 294, 741-767, 2020.
[J-96] Zhai, Q., R. Peng, and J. Zhuang. “Defender-Attacker Games with Asymmetric Player Utilities,” Risk Analysis, 40(2): 408-420, 2020.
[J-95] Gao, Q.♯ , and J. Zhuang “Stability Analysis and Control Strategies for Worm Attack in Mobile Net- works via a VEIQS Propagation Model,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, 368: 124584, 2020.
[J-94] Zhang, J.♮, and J. Zhuang∗ “Modeling a Multi-target Attacker-defender Game with Multiple Attack Types,” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 185: 465-475, 2019.
[J-93] Pala, A.♮, and J. Zhuang∗. “Information Sharing in Cybersecurity: A Review,” Decision Analysis, 16(3): 172-196, 2019.
[J-92] Behrendt, A♭, V. Madasseri Payyappalli♮, and J. Zhuang∗ “Modeling the Cost Effectiveness of Fire Protection Resource Allocation in the United States: Models and a 1980-2014 Case Study,” Risk Analysis, 39(6): 1358-1381, 2019.
[J-91] Xu, Z.♮, and J. Zhuang∗. “A Study on A Sequential One-Defender-N-Attacker Game,” Risk Analysis, 39(6): 1414-1432, 2019.
[J-90] Madasseri Payyappalli, V.♮, and J. Zhuang∗ “A Data-Driven Integer Programming Model for Soccer Clubs’ Decision Making on Player Transfers,” Environment Systems and Decisions, 39, 466-481, 2019.
[J-89] Coles, J.♮, J. Zhang♮, and J. Zhuang∗ “Scalable Simulation of a Disaster Response Agent- based network Management and Adaptation System (DRAMAS),” Journal of Risk Research, 22(3): 269-290, 2019.
[J-88] Gao, Q.♯, J. Zhuang, Z. Huang “Asymptotics for a delay-claim risk model with diffusion, dependence structures and constant force of interest,” Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 353: 219-231, 2019.
[J-87] Chu, Z., B. Wu, Z. He, J. Zhuang, and W. Wang. “The Policy-making Trend Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste in China 1980-2015,” Waste Management & Research, 37(6): 601-610, 2019.
[J-86] Wang, B.♮, and J. Zhuang∗. “Rumor Response, Debunking Response, and Decision Makings of Misinformed Twitter Users during Disasters,” Natural Hazards, 93(3): 1145-1162, 2018.
[J-85] Pala, A.♮, J. Zhuang∗. “Security Screening Queues with Impatient Applicants: A New Model with a Case Study,” European Journal of Operational Research, 265(3): 919-930, 2018.
[J-84] Pala, A.♮, J. Zhang♮, J. Zhuang∗, and N. Allen. “Behavior Analysis of Illegal Fishing in the Gulf of Mexico,” Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 15(1): 1-10, 2018.
[J-83] Zhang, J.♮, J. Zhuang∗, and B. Behlendorf. “Stochastic shortest path network interdiction with a case study of Arizona-Mexico border,” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 179: 62-73, 2018.
[J-82] Zhang, J.♮, J. Zhuang∗ and V. R. R. Jose “The Role of Risk Preferences in a Multi-target Attacker-Defender Resource Allocation Game,” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 169: 95-104, 2018.
[J-81] Coles, J.♮, J. Zhang♮, and J. Zhuang∗ “Partner Selection in Disaster Relief: Partnership formation in the presence of incompatible agencies,” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 27: 94-104, 2018.
[J-80] Guan, P.♮, J. Zhang♮, V. Madasseri Payyappalli♮, and J. Zhuang∗ “Modeling and Validating Public-private Partnerships in Disaster Management,” Decision Analysis, 15(2): 55-71, 2018.
[J-79] Song, C.♮ and J. Zhuang∗. “Modelling Precheck Parallel Screening Process in the Face of Strategic Applicants with Incomplete Information and Screening Errors,” Risk Analysis, 38(1): 118-133, 2018.
[J-78] Song, C.♮, and J. Zhuang∗. “Regulating Food Risk Management—A Government-Manufacturer Game facing Endogenous Consumer Demand,” International Transactions in Operational Re- search, 25(6): 1855-1878, 2018.
[J-77] He, M.♮, and L. Devine♭, and J. Zhuang∗. “Perspectives on Cybersecurity Information Sharing among Multiple Stakeholders using a Decision Theoretic Approach,” Risk Analysis, 38(2): 215-225, 2018.
[J-76] Shan, X.♮ and J. Zhuang. “Modeling Cumulative Defensive Resource Allocation against a Strategic Attacker in a Multi-period Multi-target Game,” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 179: 12-26, 2018.
[J-75] Li, F.♮, Q. Zhu♮, and J. Zhuang. “Analysis of Fire Protection Efficiency in United States: A Two-stage DEA based Approach,” OR Spectrum, 40(1): 23-68, 2018.
[J-74] Jose, V. R. R., J. Zhuang∗. “Incorporating Risk Preferences in Stochastic Noncooperative Games,” IISE Transactions, 50(1): 1-13, 2018.
[J-73] Rao, N., C. Ma, F. He♮, D. Yau, and J. Zhuang. “Cyber-Physical Correlation Effects in Defense Games for Large Discrete Infrastructures,” Games, 9(3), Article 52, 1-24, 2018.
[J-72] Rao, N., C. Ma, K. Hausken, F. He♮, D. Yau, and J. Zhuang. “Defense Strategies for Asymmetric Networked Systems with Discrete Components,” Sensors, 18(5), Article 1421, 2018.
[J-71] Jin, J., J. Zhuang and Q. Zhao. “Supervision After Certification: An Evolutionary Game Analysis for Chinese Environmental Labeled Enterprises,” Sustainability, 10(5), Article 1494, 2018.
[J-70] Wu, Y., Z. Chu, and J. Zhuang. “Evaluation of Optional Fee Structures for Solid Waste Management in China,” Waste Management & Research, 36(6): 513-519, 2018.
[J-69] He, Z., Z. Chu., M. Zhao, J. Zhuang, and F. Liu. “Policy-making Coordination of Municipal Solid Waste Policies in China: A Content Analysis,” Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 20(2): 10731084, 2018.
[J-68] Wang, T.♯, J. Zhuang. “The True Meaning of Terrorism and Response to Terrorism,” Social Sciences, 6(6): 160-168, 2017.
[J-67] Seaberg, D.♭, L. Devine♭, and J. Zhuang∗. “A Review of Game Theory Applications in Natural Disaster Management Research,” Natural Hazards, 89(3): 1461-1483, 2017.
[J-66] Wang, B.♮, and J. Zhuang∗ “Crisis Information Distribution on Twitter: A Content Analysis of Tweets during Hurricane Sandy,” Natural Hazards, 89(1): 161-181, 2017.
[J-65] Madasseri Payyappalli, V.♮, J. Zhuang∗ and V. R. R. Jose “Deterrence and Risk Preferences in a Sequential Attacker-Defender Game with Continuous Defense Effort,” Risk Analysis, 37(11): 2229-2245, 2017.
[J-64] Guan, P.♮, M. He♮, J. Zhuang∗, and S. Hora. “Modeling A Multi-target Attacker-defender Game with Budget Constraints,” Decision Analysis, 14(2): 87-107, 2017.
[J-63] Song, C.♮, and J. Zhuang∗. “N-Stage Security Screening Strategies in the Face of Strategic Applicants,” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 165: 292-301, 2017.
[J-62] Song, C.♮, and J. Zhuang∗. “Two-Stage Security Screening Strategies in the Face of Strategic Applicants, Congestions and Screening Errors,” Annals of Operations Research, 258(2): 237- 262, 2017.
[J-61] Song, C.♮, and J. Zhuang∗. “Modeling A Government-Manufacturer-Farmer Game for Food Supply Chain Risk Management,” Food Control, 78: 443-455, 2017.
[J-60] Li, S.♮, J. Zhuang∗, and S. Shen. “Dynamic Forecasting Conditional Probability of Bombing Attacks based on Time Series and Intervention Analysis,” Risk Analysis, 37(7): 1287-1297, 2017.
[J-59] Li, S.♮, J. Zhuang∗, and S. Shen. “A Three-stage Evacuation Decision-making and Behavior Model for the Onset of an Attack,” Transportation Research Part C, 79: 119-135, 2017.
[J-58] Li, S.♮, J. Zhuang∗, S. Shen, and J. Wang. “Driving-forces Model on Individual Behavior in Scenarios considering Moving Threat Agents,” Physica A, 481: 127-140, 2017.
[J-57] Zhuang, J., M. Hu, and F. Mousapour♮, “Value-Driven Design Process: A Systematic Decision- Making Framework Considering Different Attribute Preferences from Multiple Stakeholders,” Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 139(2): 021001, 2017, 6 pages.
[J-56] Zahiri, B.♮, J. Zhuang, and M. Mohammadi. “Toward an Integrated Sustainable-resilient Supply Chain: A Pharmaceutical Case Study,” Transportation Research Part E, 103: 109- 142, 2017.
[J-55] Tutun, S.♮, M. T. Khasawneh, and J. Zhuang. “New Framework that uses Patterns and Relations to understand Terrorist Behaviors,” Expert Systems with Applications, 78: 358-375, 2017.
[J-54] Niyirora, J.♮ and J. Zhuang. “Fluid Approximations and Control of Queues in Emergency Departments,” European Journal of Operational Research, 261(3): 1110-1124, 2017.
[J-53] Ahmed, M. T.♮, J. Zhuang, and C. Kwon, “Understanding Conflicting Interests of a Government and a Tobacco Manufacturer: A Game-Theoretic Approach,” Group Decision and Negotiation, 26(6): 1209-1230, 2017.
[J-52] Chu, Z., Y. Wu♮, and J. Zhuang. “Municipal Household Solid Waste Fee Based on Increasing- block Pricing Model in Beijing, China,” Waste Management & Research, 35(3): 228-235, 2017.
[J-51] Ackerman, G., J. Zhuang, and S. Weerasuriya♮. “Cross-Milieu Terrorist Collaboration: Using Game Theory to Assess the Risk of a Novel Threat,” Risk Analysis, 37(2): 342-371, 2017.
[J-50] Coles, J.♮, J. Zhang♮, and J. Zhuang∗ “Experiments on Partnership and Decision Making in a Disaster Environment,” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 18: 181-196, 2016.
[J-49] Coles, J.♮, J. Zhang♮, and J. Zhuang∗ “Partnership Behavior in Disaster Relief Operations: A Case Study Comparison of the Responses to the Tornado in Joplin, Missouri and Hurricane Sandy along the Jersey Coast,” Natural Hazards, 84(1), 625-647, 2016.
[J-48] Coles, J.♮ and J. Zhuang∗. “Introducing Terrorist Archetypes: Using Terrorist Objectives and Behavior to Predict New, Complex, and Changing Threats,” Military Operations Research, 21(4): 47-62, 2016.
[J-47] He, F.♮, and J. Zhuang “Balancing Pre-disaster Preparedness and Post-disaster Relief,” European Journal of Operational Research, 252(1): 246-256, 2016.
[J-46] Guan, P.♮ and J. Zhuang∗. “Modeling Resources Allocation in Attacker-defender Games with ‘Warm Up’ CSF,” Risk Analysis, 36(4): 776-791, 2016.
[J-45] Xu, J.♮ and J. Zhuang∗. “Modeling Costly Learning and Counter-learning in a Defender- attacker Game with Private Defender Information,” Annals of Operations Research, 236(1), 271-289, 2016.
[J-44] Xu, J.♮, J. Zhuang∗ and Z. Liu. “Modeling and Mitigating the Effects of Supply Chain Disruption in a Defender-attacker Game,” Annals of Operations Research, 236(1), 255-270, 2016.
[J-43] Hausken, K. and J. Zhuang=. “How Companies and Governments React to Disasters,” Journal of Risk and Reliability, 230(4) 417-426, 2016.
[J-42] Hausken, K. and J. Zhuang=. “The Strategic Interaction between a Company and the Government Surrounding Disasters,” Annals of Operations Research, 237(1), 27-40, 2016.
[J-41] Xiang, Y., J. Zhuang∗. “Medical Resource Allocation Serving Disaster Victims with Deteri- orating Health Conditions,” Annals of Operations Research, 236(1), 177-196, 2016.
[J-40] Sabbaghi, M.♮, S. Behdad, and J. Zhuang. “Managing Consumer Behavior toward On-Time Return of the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment: A Game Theoretic Approach,” International Journal of Production Economics, 182, 545-563, 2016.
[J-39] Raihanian, A.♮, S. Behdad, and J. Zhuang. “Agent Based Simulation of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Recovery,” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 138(10): 101007, 2016, 11 pages.
[J-38] Rao, N., S. Poole, C. Ma, F. He♮, J. Zhuang, and D. Yau. “Defense of Cyber Infrastructures Against Cyber-Physical Attacks Using Game-Theoretic Models,” Risk Analysis, 36(4): 694- 710, 2016.
[J-37] Ning, M.♯, J. Gong♮, X. Zheng♯, and J. Zhuang∗ “Does New Rural Pension Scheme Decrease Elderly Labor Supply? Evidence from CHARLS,” China Economic Review, 41: 315-330, 2016.
[J-36] Chu, Z, W. Wang♮, B. Wang♮, and J. Zhuang. “Research on Factors Influencing Municipal Household Solid Waste Separate Collection: Bayesian Belief Networks,” Sustainability, 8(2), 152, 2016, 14 pages.
[J-35] Guan, P.♮ and J. Zhuang∗. “Modeling Public-private Partnerships in Disaster Management: A Sequential Game with Prospect Utility,” Decision Analysis, 12(4): 173-189, 2015.
[J-34] Nikoofal, M. E.♮ and J. Zhuang=∗. “On the Value of Exposure and Secrecy of Defense System: First-Mover Advantage vs. Robustness,” European Journal of Operational Research, 246(1): 320-330, 2015.
[J-33] Yaraghi, N.♮, P. Tabesh♮, P. Guan♮ and J. Zhuang∗ “Comparison of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Monte-Carlo AHP under Different Levels of Uncertainty,” IEEE Trans- actions on Engineering Management, 62(1): 122-132, 2015.
[J-32] Shan, X.♮ and J. Zhuang∗. “Modeling Credible Retaliation Threats in Deterring the Smuggling of Nuclear Weapons using Partial Inspection—A Three-Stage Game,” Decision Analysis, 11(1): 43-62, 2014.
[J-31] Shan, X.♮ and J. Zhuang∗. “Subsidizing to Disrupt Terrorism Supply Chain—A Four Player Sequential Game,” Journal of the Operational Research Society, 65(7): 1108-1119, 2014.
[J-30] Zhuang, J.∗, G. Saxton, and H. Wu♮. “Publicity vs. Impact in Nonprofit Disclosures and Donor Preferences: A Sequential Game with One Nonprofit Organization and N Donors,” Annals of Operations Research, 221(1): 469-491, 2014.
[J-29] Ali, M. M., M. Golalikhani♮, and J. Zhuang=. “A Computational Study on Different Penalty Approaches for Solving Constrained Global Optimization Problems with the Electromagnetism- like Method,” Optimization, 63(3): 403-419, 2014.
[J-28] Shan, X.♮ and J. Zhuang∗. “Cost of Equity in Homeland Security Resource Allocation In the Face of A Strategic Attacker,” Risk Analysis, 33(6): 1083-1099, 2013.
[J-27] Shan, X.♮ and J. Zhuang∗. “Hybrid Defensive Resource Allocations in the Face of Partially Strategic Attackers in a Sequential Defender-attacker Game,” European Journal of Operational Research, 228(1): 262-272, 2013.
[J-26] Hausken, K. and J. Zhuang=. “The Impact of Disaster on the Interaction between Company and Government,” European Journal of Operational Research, 225(2): 363-376, 2013.
[J-25] Saxton, G. and J. Zhuang. “A Game-Theoretic Model of Disclosure-Donation Interactions in the Market for Charitable Contributions,” Journal of Applied Communication Research, 41(1): 40-63, 2013.
[J-24] Guo, L.♮, S. Huang♮, J. Zhuang and A. W. Sadek. “Modeling Parking Behavior under Uncertainty: A Static Game Theoretic versus a Sequential Neo-additive Capacity Modeling Approach,” Networks and Spatial Economics, 13(3): 327-350, 2013.
[J-23] Jose, V. R. R. and J. Zhuang∗. “Technology Adoption, Accumulation, and Competition in Multi-period Attacker-Defender Games,” Military Operations Research, 18(2): 33-47, 2013.
[J-22] Nikoofal, M. E.♮1 and J. Zhuang=∗. “Robust Allocation of a Defensive Budget Considering an Attackers Private Information,” Risk Analysis, 32(5): 930-943, 2012.
[J-21] Cheung, M.♭ and J. Zhuang∗. “Regulation Games Between Government and Competing Companies: Oil Spills and Other Disasters,” Decision Analysis, 9(2): 156-164, 2012.
[J-20] Hausken, K. and J. Zhuang=∗. “The Timing and Deterrence of Terrorist Attacks due to Exogenous Dynamics,” Journal of the Operational Research Society, 63(6): 726-735, 2012.
[J-19] He, F.♮ and J. Zhuang∗. “Modeling ‘Contracts’ between Terrorist Groups and Governments in a Sequential Game,” Journal of the Operational Research Society, 63(6): 790-809, 2012.
[J-18] Coles, J.♮, J. Zhuang∗, and J. Yates. “Case Study in Disaster Relief: A descriptive analysis of agency partnerships in the aftermath of the January 12th, 2010 Haitian earthquake,” Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 46(1): 67-77, 2012.
[J-17] Coles, J.♮ and J. Zhuang∗. “Decisions in Disaster Recovery Operations: A Game Theoretic Perspective on Organization Cooperation,” Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 8(1), Article 35, 1-14, 2011.
[J-16] Urschel, J.♮ and J. Zhuang∗. “Are NFL Coaches Risk and Loss Averse? Evidence From Their Use of Kickoff Strategies,” Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 7(3), Article 14, 2011.
[J-15] Wang, X. and J. Zhuang=∗. “Balancing Congestion and Security in the Presence of Strategic Applicants with Private Information,” European Journal of Operational Research, 212(1): 100-111, 2011.
[J-14] Golalikhani, M.♮ and J. Zhuang∗. “Modeling Arbitrary Layers of Continuous Level Defenses in Facing with A Strategic Attacker,” Risk Analysis, 31(4): 533-547, 2011.
[J-13] Zhuang, J.∗ and V. M. Bier. “Secrecy and Deception at Equilibrium, with Applications to Anti-Terrorism Resource Allocation,” Defence & Peace Economics, 22(1): 43-61, 2011.
[J-12] Hausken, K. and J. Zhuang=∗. “Defending Against a Terrorist Who Accumulates Resources,” Military Operations Research, 16(1): 21-39, 2011.
[J-11] Hausken, K. and J. Zhuang=∗. “Governments’ and Terrorists’ Defense and Attack in a T-period Game,” Decision Analysis, 8(1): 46-70, 2011.
[J-10] Hausken, K. and J. Zhuang=∗. “Defending Against a Stockpiling Terrorist,” The Engineering Economist, 56(4): 321-353, 2011.
[J-9] Zhuang, J.∗ “Impacts of Subsidized Security on Stability and Total Social Costs of Equilibrium Solutions in an N-Player Game with Errors,” The Engineering Economist, 55(2): 131-149, 2010.
[J-8] Zhuang, J.∗ and V. M. Bier. “Reasons for Secrecy and Deception in Homeland-Security Resource Allocation,” Risk Analysis, 30(12): 1737-1743, 2010.
[J-7] Zhuang, J.∗, V. M. Bier and O. Alagoz. “Modeling Secrecy and Deception in a Multiple-period Attacker-Defender Signaling Game,” European Journal of Operational Research, 203(2): 409- 418, 2010.
[J-6] Dighe, N., J. Zhuang∗, and V. M. Bier. “Secrecy in Defensive Allocations as a Strategy for Achieving More Cost-effective Attacker Deterrence,” International Journal of Performability Engineering, 5(1): 31-43, 2009.
[J-5] Zhuang, J.∗ and V. M. Bier. “Balancing Terrorism and Natural Disasters—Defensive Strategy with Endogenous Attack Effort,” Operations Research 55(5): 976-991, 2007.
[J-4] Zhuang, J.∗, V. M. Bier and A. Gupta. “Subsidies in Interdependent Security with Heterogeneous Discount Rates,” The Engineering Economist 52(1): 1-19, 2007.
[J-3] Zhuang, J.∗, M. A. Marchant, S. Nokes and H. Strobel. “Economic Analysis of Cellulase Production Methods for Bio-ethanol,” Applied Engineering in Agriculture 23(5): 679-687, 2007.
[J-2] Zhuang, J.∗, M. A. Marchant, C. L. Schardl and C. M. Butler. “Economic Analysis of Replacing Endophyte-Infected with Endophyte-Free Tall Fescue Pastures,” Agronomy Journal 97(3): 711-716, 2005.
[J-1] Peng, X., M. A. Marchant, X. D. Qin, and J. Zhuang. “Chinese Consumers’ Preferences for Livestock Products,” The International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 8(4): 62-76, 2005.
B-10] Hunt, K., and J. Zhuang. “Blockchain for Disaster Management,” Chapter 10 in Big Data for Service Operations Management, A. Emrouznejad and C. Vincent (eds.), pp. 253269, Springer, 2021.
[B-9] Shan, X., and J. Zhuang. “Multi-target Homeland Security Resource Allocation Games considering Equity Constraints and Partially Strategic Attackers,” Chapter 27 in Improving Homeland Security Decisions, A. Abbas, M. Tambe, and D. von Winterfeldt (eds.), pp. 678- 708, 2017.
[B-8] Zhang, J., and J. Zhuang. “Validation, Verification, and Uncertainty Quantification for mod- els with intelligent adversaries,” Chapter 41 in Handbook of Uncertainty Quantification, R. Ghanem, D. Higdon and H. Owhadi (eds.), pp. 1401-1420, Springer, 2017.
[B-7] Shan, X., and J. Zhuang. “Subsidizing to Disrupt a Terrorism Supply Chain—A Four-player Game,” Chapter 12 in OR, Defense and Security, R. A. Forder (ed.), pp. 272-292, Series in OR Essentials, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
[B-6] Wang, X., C. Song and J. Zhuang. “Simulating A Multi-Stage Screening Network—A Queueing Theory and Game Theory Application,” in Game Theoretic Analysis of Congestion, Safety and Security, K. Hausken and J. Zhuang (eds.), pp. 55-80, Springer Series in Reliability Engineering, Springer, 2015.
[B-5] Coles, J. and J. Zhuang. “Decisions in Disaster Recovery Operations: A Game Theoretic Perspective on Organization Cooperation,” Chapter 19 in Handbook of Emergency Response— A Human Factors and Systems Engineering Approach, A. D. Badiru and L. Racz (ed.), pp. 465-480, Taylor and Francis/CRC Press, 2013.
[B-4] Coles, J. and J. Zhuang. “Disaster Recovery Life Cycle,” in Encyclopedia of Crisis Management, Geoffrey, G. J. K. B. Statler, M. Penuel, R. Hagen (eds.), SAGE Reference, 2013.
[B-3] Shan, X. and J. Zhuang. “Nuclear proliferation,” in Encyclopedia of Crisis Management, Geoffrey, G. J. K. B. Statler, M. Penuel, R. Hagen (eds.), SAGE Reference, 2013.
[B-2] Hausken, K., V. M. Bier, and J. Zhuang. “Defending against Terrorism, Natural Disaster, and All Hazards,” Chapter 4 in Combining Reliability and Game Theory, Bier, V. M. and Azaiez, N. (eds.), Springer International Series In Operations Research & Management Science, pp. 65-97, 2009. (Full paper refereed.)
[B-1] Zhuang, J., and V. M. Bier. “Katrina vs 9/11: How Should We Optimally Protect Against Both?,” Chapter 4 in Natural Disaster Analysis After Hurricane Katrina: Risk Assessment, Economic Impacts and Social Implications, H. W. Richardson, P. Gordon, and J. E. Moore, II (eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 71-83, 2008.
[P-23] Wei, Z., and J. Zhuang, “Mask or No Mask during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Game- Theoretic Approach,” Proceedings of the 2022 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (IISE 2022), Seattle, Washington, May 21-24, 2022. (Full paper refereed. 8 pages.)
[P-22] Hunt, K., P. Agarwal, and J. Zhuang. “Applying Machine Learning to Track Misinforma- tion During Disasters,” Proceedings of the 2019 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (IISE 2019), Orlando, Florida, May 18-21, 2019. (Full paper refereed. 8 pages.)
[P-21] Xu, W., W. Wang, Q. He, C. Liu, and J. Zhuang. “An improved multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm and its application in vehicle scheduling,” Chinese Automation Congress, Jinan, China, October 20-22, 2017. (Full paper refereed, 4230-4235, 6 pages.)
[P-20] Rao, N., C. Y. T. Ma, K. Hausken, F. He, D. Yau., and J. Zhuang. “Game-Theoretic Strate- gies for Asymmetric Networked Systems,” Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2017), Xi’an, China, July 10-13, 2017. (Full paper refereed. 8 pages.)
[P-19] Rao, N., N. Imam, C. Y. T. Ma, K. Hausken, F. He, and J. Zhuang. “On Defense Strategies for System of Systems Using Aggregated Correlations,” Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Inter- national Systems Conference (IEEE SysCon 2017), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, April 24-27, 2017. (Full paper refereed. 6 pages.)
[P-18] Ceker, H., J. Zhuang, S. Upadhyaya, L. Q. Duy and S. B. Hee. “Deception-based Game Theoretical Approach to Mitigate DoS Attacks” Proceedings of the Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security (GameSec 2016), November 2-4, 2016, New York, New York (Full paper refereed. 20 pages.)
[P-17] Rao, N., C. Y. T. Ma, K. Hausken, F. He, and J. Zhuang. “Game-Theoretic Strategies for Systems of Components Using Product-Form Utilities,” Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI 2016), Baden-Baden, Germany, September 19-21, 2016. (Full paper refereed. XX pages.)
[P-16] Rao, N., C. Y. T. Ma, K. Hausken, F. He, and J. Zhuang. “Defense Strategies for In- frastructures with Multiple Systems of Components,” Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2016), Heidelberg, Germany, July 5-8, 2016. (Full paper refereed. 8 pages.)
[P-15] Raihanian, A., S. Behdad, and J. Zhuang. “Agent Based Simulation Optimization of Waste Electrical and Electronics Equipment Recovery,” Proceedings of the ASME 2016 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC2016), Blacksburg, Virginia, June 27-July 1, 2016 (Full paper refereed. 10 pages.)
[P-14] Rao, N., C. Y. T. Ma, U. Shah, F. He, and J. Zhuang. “On Resilience of Cyber-Physical Infrastructures Using Discrete Product-Form Games,” Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information FUSION (FUSION 2015), Washington, D.C., July 6-9, 2015. (Full paper refereed. 8 pages.)
[P-13] Catalano, M., E. Newell, A. Pala, J. Coles, and J. Zhuang. “A 2008-2013 Case Study: US Visa Applicant Security Screening Wait Time Analysis,” Proceedings of the 2015 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC 2015), Nashville, Tennessee, May 30- June 2, 2015. (Full paper refereed. 8 pages.)
[P-12] Rao, N., C. Y. T. Ma, F. He, J. Zhuang, and D. Yau. “Cyber-Physical Correlations for In- frastructure Resilience: A Game-Theoretic Approach,” Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information FUSION (FUSION 2014), Salamanca, Spain, July 7-10, 2014. (Full paper refereed. 8 pages.)
[P-11] He, F., J. Zhuang, N. Rao, C. Y. T. Ma, and D. K. Y. Yau. “Game-Theoretic Resilience Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems,” Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, Networks, and Applications (CPSNA 2013), Taipei, Taiwan, Au- gust 19-20, 2013. (Full paper refereed, acceptance rate =37%, 6 pages.)
• 2013 CPSNA Best Paper Award Finalist
[P-10] Rao, N., S. Poole, C. Y. T. Ma, F. He, J. Zhuang, and D. Yau. “Infrastructure Resilience Using Cyber-Physical Game-Theoretic Approach,” Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Symposium on Resilient Cyber Systems (ISRCS13), San Francisco, California, August 13-15, 2013. (Full paper refereed. 6 pages.)
[P-9] Rao, N., S. Poole, C. Ma, F. He, J. Zhuang, and D. Yau. “Cyber and Physical Information Fusion for Infrastructure Protection: A Game-Theoretic Approach,” Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information FUSION (FUSION 2013), Istanbul, Turkey, July 9-12, 2013. (Full paper refereed. 8 pages.)
[P-8] Rao, N., S. Poole, C. Ma, F. He, J. Zhuang, and D. Yau. “Game-Theoretic Approach to Cyber-Physical Infrastructures: UltraScience Net Case Study,” Proceedings of the third Work- shop on Design, Modeling and Evaluation of Cyber Physical Systems (CyPhy’13), Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania , April 8-11, 2013. (Full paper refereed. 5 pages.)
[P-7] Hsu, W., E. Newell, J. Zhuang, and D. Ross. “Heuristics, Optimization, and Equilibrium Analysis for Automated Wargames,” Proceedings of the 2012 Industrial and Systems Engi- neering Research Conference. (Full paper refereed. 10 pages.)
[P-6] He, F., J. Zhuang, and N. Rao. “Game-Theoretic Analysis of Attack and Defense in Cyber- Physical Network Infrastructures,” Proceedings of the 2012 Industrial and Systems Engineer- ing Research Conference. (Full paper refereed. 8 pages.)
[P-5] Rao, N., S. Poole, C. Ma, F. He, J. Zhuang, and D. Yau. “Cloud Computing Infrastructure Robustness: A Game Theory Approach,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, Maui, Hawaii, January 30 - February 2, 2012. (Full paper refereed, acceptance rate =35%. 5 pages.)
[P-4] Zhuang, J. and E. A. Newell. “Technology Evolutionary Games in Complex Transportation Systems in the Face of Adaptive Adversaries,” invited white paper published at Homeland Security Studies and Analysis Institute website, following the Fifth Annual U.S. Department of Homeland Security University Network Summit, Washington D.C., March 2011. (Abstract refereed. 13 pages.)
[P-3] Zhuang, J., J. Coles, and J. Yates. “Measuring Partnership Efficacy in Haitian Disaster Re- covery,” Proceedings of 2011 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. (14 pages.)
[P-2] Jin, S., Z. Liu, and J. Zhuang=. “Monte Carlo Simulation-Based Supply Chain Disruption Management for Wargames,” Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference, p.p. 2682-2693, 2010. (Full paper refereed.)
[P-1] Hao, M., S. Jin and J. Zhuang. “Robustness of Optimal Defensive Resource Allocations in the Face of Less than Fully Rational Attackers,” Proceedings of the 2009 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, p.p. 886-891, 2009. (Full paper refereed.)
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