Assistant Professor Ning Dai joined the department in 2014, after receiving her PhD in Chemical and Environmental Engineering at Yale University. Dr. Dai is interested in exploring organic nitrogen chemistry in both engineered and natural environmental systems. Her current research areas include the formation mechanisms and prevention strategies for byproducts from post-combustion CO2 capture system, disinfection byproducts, and the environmental fate of organonitrogen pesticides. She believes that better understandings in these processes will provide us with more systematic and sustainable solutions for environmental problems.
Chair: Alan Rabideau
Full-time Faculty: 33
41 Nations represented
Degrees Offered:
• Bachelor's of Science
• Joint BS (Civil)/MBA
• Master's of Science
• Doctors of Philosophy
Student Body:
• 528 Undergraduate
• 80 Graduate
Research Overview:
• 59,688 square feet of teaching and research labs across two buildings
Research areas in:
• Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Materials
• Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
• Transportation systems engineering
• Geosystems Engineering