Industry leaders and academics joined forces to discuss digital manufacturing technologies at an afternoon seminar entitled “Digital Manufacturing & the Next Revolution,” in Agrusa Auditorium at UB’s Davis Hall.
The program focuses on four production modules: safety; quality practices and measurement; manufacturing processes and production; and maintenance awareness.
UB's New York State Center of Engineering Design and Industrial Innovation has a new name, a new director and updated technology, but its mission remains the same: industrial outreach, academic research and engineering education.
Seventy-two teenagers from Western New York participated in this year’s BEAM summer programs, where they took part in hands-on engineering projects and classes to build skill levels in STEM.
Students and faculty have worked for two and a half years to design and build the GRoW home, UB’s first entry in the prestigious U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon.
MCEER and its partners were prominently featured at the 23rd International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology held in Manchester, England, in August 2015.