A research team including Megan Russ, a doctoral student in the medical physics program within the Department of Physiology and Biophysics, has developed a process to create patient-specific 3-D phantoms that can be used to practice vascular procedures.
Mark Swihart, UB Distinguished Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering and Executive Director of UB’s NYS Center of Excellence in Materials Informatics, has been named a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Undergraduate and graduate students with entrepreneurial ideas may apply for the University at Buffalo’s Entrepreneurship Lab (eLab), a business boot-camp-style course that gives students the skills to develop and manage a successful new venture.
IEEE student members Katherine Czerniejewski, Julie Fetzer, and Dana Voll discussed Tinker, the STEM camp they launched at UB to encourage high school girls to pursue STEM studies, at an IEEE summit on women in engineering.
A team of six University at Buffalo students was victorious in the inaugural Collegiate Pentesting Competition, a cybersecurity challenge held Nov. 7-8 at the Rochester Institute of Technology.
A $4 million gift from the Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation will allow UB Sports Medicine continue its groundbreaking work treating patients and training physicians.