Rochester Beacon listed UB as a partner of a project that has received new federal funding to study the effects of microplastics in the Great Lakes environment across the Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse region.
Lead Stories used the DeepFake-o-meter developed by Siwei Lyu and his team to determine that a photo comparing former President Trump to Adolf Hitler had been digitally altered.
Nature quoted Siwei Lyu in an article about how scientists are falling victim to deepfake AI video scams, with Lyu noting that scientists should be cautious when sharing media on social platforms.
News Nation quoted John Crassidis in an article about a small battery pack discarded from the International Space Station that did not burn up in the atmosphere, and instead landed on a home in Florida.
The Buffalo News reported that a renewable energy and technology company plans to turn the former Globe Specialty Metals Metallurgical campus in Niagara Falls into a large data center for AI applications.