Huamin Li


Huamin Li.

Huamin Li


Huamin Li


Specialty/Research Focus

Nano-scale electronics and optoelectronics based on low-dimensional materials

Biography Publications Teaching Research Latest News

Latest News

  • Atom-thin transistor uses half the voltage of common semiconductors, boosts current density
    12/9/20 published a report on research co-led by electrical engineer Huamin Lion and materials scientist Fei Yao on a new, two-dimensional transistor made of graphene and the compound molybdenum disulfide that requires half the voltage of current semiconductors and has a current density greater than similar transistors under development.
  • Li receives NSF CAREER Award

    Huamin Li is the tenth faculty member in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences to receive a CAREER Award in 2019. Li, an assistant professor of electrical engineering, will investigate a novel transistor concept offering faster switching speeds and less energy consumption.