UB Engineering and Applied Sciences Alumni Association

Officers and Board Members


Nate Bolt Adams, President
BS '11 CivE

Jordan Walbesser, Immediate Past President
BS '07 CS, JD '10

Tim van Oss, Vice President
BS ’14 MS ’16 CivE

Briana Tom, Secretary
BS '17 CE/MBA '17

Anthony Marchisiello, Treasurer
BS '17 ME/MBA '17


David Cadigan
BS '08 EE/CE

Emily Ceccarelli
BS '06, ME '09 EE

Julie Cercone
BA '11 CS, MS '13 CAS

Emily Congdon
BS '15 CE

Stephen Cross
BS '99 CS, PMBA '06

Jason Denue
BS '08 ME

Andrew Dianetti
BS '13 MAE, PhD '20 AE

Lakshmi Prasanna Ethiraj
BS '18 CS, MS '18 CSE

Gabrielle Gosset
BS '16 EE

Anoop Kiran
BS '22 AE

Michelle Lieberg
BS '05 EE

Jason Oakley
BS '13 EE

Kaushik Panneerselvam
MS '19 CSE

Thomas Wagar
BS '89 EE

James Wehrfritz
BS '78 CivE

Past Presidents


2019 - 2023

2016 - 2019

2014 - 2015

2013 - 2014

2008 - 2013

2002 - 2007

2000 - 2001

1999 - 2000

1997 - 1998

1995 - 1996

1994 - 1995

1993 - 1994

1992 - 1993

1991 - 1992

1990 - 1991

1988 - 1990

1986 - 1988

1983 - 1986

1982 - 1983

1981 - 1982

1980 - 1981

1979 - 1980

1978 - 1979

1977 - 1978

1976 - 1977

1974 - 1976

1972 - 1974

1971 - 1972

1970 - 1971

1969 - 1970

1968 - 1969

1967 - 1968

1961 - 1962

1960 - 1961


Jordan Walbesser

Kurt Bessel

Colleen O'Connell

Jeffrey Dudek

James D. Boyle

Stephen J. Golyski

Theorore A. Myers, PE

Peter J. Buchi, PE

Frederick P. Meli, PE

Jonathan E. Kolber, PE

Joseph S. Frandina, PE

John J. Jondle

Peter J. Buechi, PE

Louis A. Picciano

John T. Kociela, PE

William D. Niblock

Barbara D. Sherman

Kim M. Downing

Barbara D. Sherman

Daniel E. Massing

Robert J. Piasecki

Willima J. Kosina

James F. May

Conrelius G. Jurns

Anthony J. DiTusa

William R. Trautman, PE

Joseph S. Testa

Donald J. Stroud

Frank Notaro, PE

John R. McClive, PE

D.A. Hughes

Frank J. McGuire

Raymond U. Wopperer

Fredrick C. Johns


BS '07 CS, JD '10

German '07, MAE '07/MS '08 

CivE ’03

CIV '00

CIV '78

CIV '92/'96

CIV '81

CIV '67

CIV '76

CIV/MS '72/'74

CIV '77

EE '69

CIV '67

EE '65

CIV '68

CHE '79

CS '76

CHE/MS '77/'86

CS '76

ENS/ME '71/'86

IE '64

EE '73

ME '49

IE '55

EE '67

ME '50

EE '57

ME '60

ME/MS '57/'67

ME '55

IE '54

EE '53

ME '49

ME '52