Lora Cavuoto


Lora Cavuoto.

Lora Cavuoto


Lora Cavuoto


Research Topics

Physical ergonomics; biomechanics of obesity; aging and human work capacity; occupational safety and health

Biography Publications Teaching Research Latest News

Latest News

  • Are you sick and tired of working too hard?
    An article on EHS Today about safety technology in the workplace mentions a UB study that pointed to the benefits of using wearable devices in the workplace to monitor employees’ fatigue levels and quotes Lora Cavuoto, associate professor of industrial and systems engineering.
  • Using technology to measure manufacturing worker fatigue
    An article on Industry Week interviews Lora Cavuoto, associate professor of industrial and systems engineering, about her research on wearable technology in the workplace, which can be used to monitor fatigue levels to reduce injuries and increase productivity, and could help prevent as much as $130 billion per year in health-related productivity losses.
  • Workplace fatigue costing $130 billion in lost productivity
    A story on iHeart Radio interviews Lora Cavuoto, associate professor of industrial and systems engineering, about her research that shows the value of wearable technology in the workplace, which can be used to monitor fatigue levels to reduce injuries and increase productivity, and could help prevent as much as $130 billion per year in health-related productivity losses.
  • The Opening Bell 1/3/19: Businesses are losing $130 billion per year from health-related productivity loss
    A story on WGN-AM in Chicago interviews Lora Cavuoto, associate professor of industrial and systems engineering, about her research that shows the value of wearable technology in the workplace, which can be used to monitor fatigue levels to reduce injuries and increase productivity, and could help prevent as much as $130 billion per year in health-related productivity loss.