Pinar Okumus


Pinar Okumus.

Pinar Okumus


Pinar Okumus


Research Topics

Reinforced/Prestressed concrete highway bridges and buildings; Low-damage seismic systems


  • Reinforced/Prestressed concrete highway bridges and buildings
  • Inelastic/nonlinear and shear dominated behavior of concrete
  • Low-damage seismic systems
  • Precast concrete systems for accelerated bridge construction
  • High performance concrete and innovative materials
  • Field monitoring and testing of bridges

Current and Recent Projects

  • Collaborative Research: Resilient Seismic Retrofit by Integrating Selective Weakening and Self-Centering
  • Tessellated Structural-Architectural Systems for Rapid Construction, Repair, and Disassembly
  • Seismic Vulnerability of Deteriorated Bridges
  • Design and Construction Specifications for Bonded and Unbonded Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridge Elements