Kang Sun


Kang Sun.

Kang Sun


Kang Sun


Research Topics

Chemistry and physics of Earth's atmosphere; Sustainable urban development; Public health; Global climate change

Education Latest News Publications Teaching Research Awards

Research interests

Chemistry and physics of the earth's atmosphere and their implications for air quality and the global climate. 

Current and Recent Projects

  • A Satellite Data-Driven Framework to Quantify Sources and Lifetimes of Atmospheric Pollutants and Their Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • MethaneSAT/MethaneAIR Science and Algorithms at UB
  • Observational Data-driven Surface Concentrations Derived from Satellite Columns and Aircraft Profiles
  • Development of long-term and consistent earth system data records of H2CO, CHOCHO and H2O from multi-satellite UV/Visible spectra
  • The 'System of Systems' Solutions for Commercial Field-Level Quantification of Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrous Oxide Emission for Scalable Applications (SYMFONI)