Joseph F. Atkinson


Joseph Atkinson.

Joseph F. Atkinson


Joseph F. Atkinson


Research Topics

Water resources, environmental hydraulics, water quality modeling, sediment transport

Education Latest News Publications Teaching Research Awards
  • Hui, Yuan, Farnham, David J., Atkinson, Joseph F., Zhu, Zhenduo, and Feng, Yanping (2021), “Circulation in Lake Ontario: A Numerical and Physical Model Analysis”. J. Hydraul. Eng. (ASCE), accepted for publication.
  • Matinpour, Hadis, Atkinson, Joseph, and Bennett, Sean (2020), “Secondary circulation within a mixing box and its effect on turbulence”. Exps. in Fluids 61:225,
  • Sansom, B.J., Bennett, S.J., Atkinson, J.F., and Vaugn, C.C. (2020), “Emergent hydrodynamics and skimming flow over mussel covered beds in rivers”. Water Resourc. Res. 56(8),
  • Chakraborti, Rajat K. and Atkinson, Joseph F. (2020), “Settling velocity analysis of natural suspended particles using fractal approach”. J. Environ. Eng. (ASCE) 146(12): 04020138
  • Karamigolbaghi, Maliheh, Feng, Yanping, Atkinson, Joseph F., Verhamme, Edward M., and Boyer, Greg L. (2019), “Circulation and mixing in Sodus Bay due to water exchange with Lake Ontario”. J. Great Lakes Res. 45(6):1090-1102.
  • Saharia, Angshuman M., Zhu, Zhenduo, Aich, Nirupam. Baalousha, Mohammad, and Atkinson, Joseph F. (2019), “Modeling the transport of titanium dioxide nanomaterials from combined sewer overflows in an urban river”. Sci. Total Environ. 696:133904.
  • Matinpour, Hadis, Bennett, Sean, Atkinson, Joseph, and Guala, Michele (2019), “Modulation of time-mean and turbulent flow by suspended sediment”. Phys. Review Fluids 4(7), July 1, 2019.
  • Hui, Y., Zhu, Z., and Atkinson, J.F. (2018), “Mass balance analysis and calculation of wind effects on heat fluxes and water temperature in large lakes”. J. Great Lakes Res. 44:1293-1305.
  • Sansom, Brandon J., Atkinson, Joseph F., and Bennett, Sean J. (2017), “Modulation of near-bed hydrodynamics by freshwater mussels in an experimental channel”. Hydrobiologia, DOI 10.1007/s10750-017-3172-9.
  • Rubin, H. and Atkinson, J.F. (2001), Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Marcel Dekker, Inc. (now Taylor and Francis), New York, 728 pp.