“A Spatial Hierarchical Similarity Measure for Geospatial Resolution in Event Coreference," submitted to Spatial Cognition and Computation: An Interdisciplinary Journal, co-authors: K. McConky and R. Nagi.
“An Incremental Graph-Partitioning Algorithm for Entity Resolution," submitted to ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, co-authors: R. Nagi and G. Tauer.
“Branch-and-Bound and LP-based techniques for solving the Discrete Network Design Problem in Transportation,” submitted to European Journal of Operational Research, co-authors: G.A. Garcia Llinas and R. Nagi.
“Top‐down Driven Cyber Impact Assessment,” in A. Kott, R. Erbacher, and C. Wang (Eds.), Cyber Defense and Situational Awareness, Springer, 2015, co-authors: S.J. Yang and J. Holsopple.
“Attack Projection for Predictive Cyber Situation Awareness,” in A. Kott, R. Erbacher, and C. Wang (Eds.), Cyber Defense and Situational Awareness, Springer, 2015, co-authors: S.J. Yang and J. Holsopple.
“Mission Impact Assessment for Cyber Warfare,” in R. R. Yager, M. Z. Reformat, and N. Alajlan (Eds.), Intelligent Methods for Cyber Warfare, Springer, 2015, co-authors: S.J. Yang and J. Holsopple.
“Discovering Patterns in Social Networks with Graph Matching Algorithms,” Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling and Prediction Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7812, pp 341-349, 2013, co-authors: Kirk Ogaard, Heather Roy, Sue Kase, Rakesh Nagi and Kedar Sambhoos.
“The Graph Association Problem: Mathematical Models and a Lagrangian Heuristic,” Naval Research Logistics, Volume 60, Issue 3, pages 251–268, April 2013,co-authors: R. Nagi, R. and G. Tauer.
“On the Optimization of Information Workflow,” Dynamics of Information Systems: Mathematical Foundations, A. Sorokin, R.Murphey, M. Thai, and P.M. Pardalos (eds.), Springer, vol. 20, pp. 43 – 65, 2012, co-authors: M.J. Hirsch, R. Nagi, H. Ortiz-Pena and A. Stotz.
“Enhancements to High Level Data Fusion Using Graph Matching and State Space Search,” Journal of Information Fusion, Vol. 11, Issue 4, Pages 351-364, October 2010, co-authors: R. Nagi, K. Sambhoos and A. Stotz.
“Dynamic Creation of Social Networks for Syndromic Surveillance Using Information Fusion,” Advances in Social Computing, Vol. 6007/2010, pp. 330-337, 2010, co-authors: J. Holsopple, A. Stotz and S. Yang.
“High Level Information Fusion for Tracking and Projection of Multistage Cyber Attacks,” Journal on Information Fusion, Special Issue on High-level Information Fusion and Situation Awareness, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp.107-121, January 2009, co-authors: S. J. Yang, A. Stotz, J. Holsopple and M. Kuhl.
“The Effect of Multi-mode Operations to Routing and Scheduling on Wireless Sensor Networks,”, McGraw-Hill Handbook of Wireless Mesh and Sensor Networking, 2009, co-author: S.J. Yang.
“Hierarchical Higher Level Data Fusion using Fuzzy Hamming and Hypercube clustering,” Journal of Advances in Information Fusion, 2008, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 90-106, co-authors: K. Sambhoos, R. Nagi and T. Rickard.
“Priority-based Assignment and Routing of a Fleet of Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles,” Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 35, No. 6, pp. 1813-1828, 2008, co-authors: V.K. Shetty and R. Nagi.
“INFERD and Entropy for Situational Awareness,” Journal of Advances in Information Fusion, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2007, co-authors: A. Stotz, M. Holender, T. Rickard and R. Yager.
“Cellular Network Configuration with Co-channel and Adjacent Channel Interference Constraints,” Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 35, No. 12, 2008, pp. 3738-3757, co-authors: M. Akella, R. Batta, P. Rogerson and A. Blatt.
“Data mining in an engineering design environment: OR applications from graph matching,” Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 33, No. 11, pp. 3150-3160, 2006, co-authors: C.J. Romanowski and R. Nagi.
“Procedures for Solving Single-Pass Strip Layout Problems,” IIE Transactions, 26, 27-37, 1994, co-author: S. Joshi.
“Paroid Search: Generic Local Combinatorial Optimization,” Discrete Applied Mathematics, 43, 155-174, 1993, co-author: R. Rardin.
“Paroids: A Canonical Format for Combinatorial Optimization,” Discrete Applied Mathematics, 39, 37-56, 1992, co-author: R. Rardin.
"The effect of decentralization and communication networks on a set of ISR-gathering assets," SPIE Sensing Technology+ Applications. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2015, co-authors: H. Ortiz-Peña, M. Hirsch and M.Karwan.
“Entity resolution using cloud computing,” SPIE Sensing Technology+ Applications,” International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2015, co-authors: A. James, G. Tauer, A. Czerniejewski, R.M. Brown, J. Hartloff and J. Chaves.
"Combining human and machine processes (CHAMP)," SPIE Sensing Technology+ Applications. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2015, co-authors: D. Sudit, and M. Hirsch.
“Approximate SPARQL for Error Tolerant Queries on the DBpedia Knowledge Base,” Proceedings of ISIF/IEEE International Conference on Information Fusion, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2013, co-authors: G. Tauer, G. and R. Rudnicki.
“Dynamic Graph Analytic Framework (DYGRAF) for Biosurveillance Support,” Proceedings of ISIF/IEEE International Conference on Information Fusion, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2013, co-authors: M.R. Margitus, and W.A.Tagliaferri.
“A Multi-perspective Optimization Approach to UAV Resource Management for Littoral Surveillance,” Proceedings of ISIF/IEEE International Conference on Information Fusion, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2013, co-authors: H. Ortiz-Pena, M. Karwan, M. Hirsch and R. Nagi.
“Searching Social Networks for Subgraph Patterns,” Proceedings SPIE Volume 8711, Sensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense, June 2013, co-authors: K. Ogaard, S. Kase, H.Roy, R. Nagi and K. Sambhoos.
“Representation of Potential Information Gain to Measure the Price of Anarchy on ISR Activities ,” Proceedings SPIE Volume 8758, Next-Generation Analyst, May 2013, co-authors: H. Ortiz-Pena, M. Karwan, M. Hirsch and R. Nagi.
“Improving Event Co-reference By Context Extraction and Dynamic Feature Weighting,” Proceedings of IEEE International Multi-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support (CogSIMA), New Orleans, LA, 6-8 March 2012, co-authors: K. McConky, R. Nagi and W. Hughes
“Significant Information Encapsulation and Valence Exploitation (SIEVE) for Discovery,” Proceedings of ISIF/IEEE International Conference on Information Fusion, Chicago, IL, July 2011, co-authors: G. Katz, K. McConky, R. Nagi and W. Rose.
“Optimizing Collection Requirements Through Analysis of Plausible Impact,” Proceedings of ISIF/IEEE International Conference on Information Fusion, Chicago, IL, July 2011, co-authors: J. Holsopple, K. Tong and S. J. Yang,
“A Dynamic Programming Approach for Nation Building Problems,” Proceedings 17th Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Reno, NV, May 2011, co-authors: R. Nagi and G. Tauer.
“From Information Needs to Information Gathering: A System Optimization Perspective to ISR Synchronization,” Proceedings SPIE Vol. 8389 Ground/Air Multisensor Interoperability, Integration, and Networking for Persistent ISR III, May 2012, co-authors: M. Dawson, J. Fink, T. Hanratty, E. Heilman, R. Nagi, H. Ortiz-Peña and D. Tuttle.
“Automating Battlefield Event Reporting Using Conceptual Spaces to Process Speaker Independent Speech Recognition Data,” Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Situation Management (SIMA), collocated with IEEE MILCOM, Boston, MA, 2009, co-authors: K. McConky, P. McLaughlin and W. Rose.
“Improved Situation Assessment through Early Detection During a Bioterrorist Attack by Using Dynamic Graph Matching,” to appear in Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Situation Management (SIMA), collocated with IEEE MILCOM, Boston, MA, 2009, co-authors: K. Sambhoos and J. Paul.
“ViSAw: Visualizing Threat and Impact Assessment for Enhanced Situation Awareness,” to appear in Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Situation Management (SIMA), collocated with IEEE MILCOM, Boston, MA, 2009, co-authors: M. Nusinov, J. Holsopple and S. J. Yang.
“Enhancing Situation Awareness via Automated Situation Assessment,” IEEE Communication Magazine, August 2009, co-authors: J. Holsopple, M. Nusinov, D. F. Liu, H. Du and S. J. Yang.
“Analytic Network Process for Model Elicitation in Nation-building Simulations,” 12th International Conference on Information Fusion, Seattle, WA, July 2009, co-authors: Y. Zhang and R. Nagi.
“Incremental Graph Matching for Situation Awareness,” 12th International Conference on Information Fusion, Seattle, WA, July 2009, co-authors: A. Stotz and R. Nagi.
“Process Refinement using Biosensor Location Problem,” 12th International Conference on Information Fusion, Seattle, WA, July, 2009, co-authors: K. Sambhoos, M. Temel and F. Pan.
“Model Elicitation in Large Scale Nation-Building Simulation using AHP,” Proceedings of the 2009 Industrial Engineer Research Conference, Miami, FL, U.S.A., pp. 896-901, 2009 co-authors: Y. Zhang and R. Nagi.
“Level 4 fusion for Biosensor Location and Setting,” 11th International Conference on Information Fusion, Cologne, Germany, June 30 - July 3, 2008, co-authors: K. Sambhoos, M. Temel and F. Pan.
“Information Fusion Using Conceptual Spaces: Mathematical Programming Models and Methods,” 10th International Conference on Information Fusion, Quebec City, Canada, July 2007, co-authors: M. Holender, R. Nagi and T. Rickard.
“Information Fusion Engine for Real-time Decision-making (INFERD): A Perceptual System for Cyber Attack Tracking,” 10th International Conference on Information Fusion, Quebec City, Canada, July 2007, co-author: A. Stotz.
“Cyber Attack Modeling and Simulation for Network Security Analysis,” 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, DC, 2007, co-authors: M. Kuhl, J. Kistner and K. Constantini.
“Evaluating Threat Assessment for Multi-stage Cyber Attacks,” Proceedings of IEEE MILCOM: 2nd IEEE Workshop on Situation Management (SIMA), Washington, DC, 2006, co-authors: S. J. Yang and J. Holsopple.
“Understanding Multistage Attacks by Attack-Track Based Visualization of Heterogeneous Event Streams”, ACM VizSec Workshop in conjunction with ACM CCS, Washington DC, 2006, co-authors: S. Mathew, R. Giomundo, S. Upadhyaya and A. Stotz.
“A Graph-Based Framework for Fusion: From Hypothesis Generation to Forensics,” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Fusion, Florence, Italy, 2006, co-authors: R. Nagi, A. Stotz and K. Sambhoos.
“Pedigree Information for Enhanced Situation and Threat Assessment,” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Fusion, Florence, Italy, 2006, co-authors: M.G. Ceruti, A. Ashenfelter, R. Brooks, G. Chen, S. Das, G. Raven and E. Wright.
“An Approach for Level 2/3 Fusion Technology Development in Urban/Asymmetric Scenarios,” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Fusion, Florence, Italy, 2006, co-authors: R. Nagi and J. Llinas.
“Real-Time Multistage Attack Awareness Through Enhanced Intrusion Alert Clustering,” Proceedings of 1st IEEE Workshop on Situation Management –SIMA/MILCOM, Atlantic City, New Jersey, 2005, co-authors: S. Mathew, D. Britt, R. Giomundo, S. Upadhyaya and A. Stotz.
“Energy Efficient Multi-mode Operation for Networked Wireless Sensors,” Proceedings of IEEE Vehicle Technology Conference, 2005, co-authors: S. J. Yang, N. Krishnamurthi and C. Cress.
“Energy Efficient Data Retrieval for Networked Multi-mode Wireless Sensors,” Proceedings of ACM Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Ubiquitous Networks – PE/WASUN, Venice, Italy, 2004, co-authors: C. Cress and S. Yang.
“A Framework for Function Allocation in Inspection,” Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing and Hybrid Automation, 1992, co-authors: A.K. Gramopadhye, C. G. Drury and J. Sharit.
“Measuring the Price of Anarchy via Perspective Optimization of Unmanned Vehicles in ISR Operations,” Military Sensing Symposia, National Symposium on Sensor and Data Fusion (NSSDF), Washington, DC, October 2012, co-authors: M. Hirsch, M. Karwan, R. Nagi and H. Ortiz-Pena.
“Realizing Information Gain through Optimization of Reconnaissance and Surveillance (RIGORS),” Military Sensing Symposia, National Symposium on Sensor and Data Fusion (NSSDF), Washington, DC, October 2011, co-authors: J. Crassidis, M. Karwan, H. Ortiz-Pena and P. Singla.
“Space Collision Avoidance,” Military Sensing Symposia, National Symposium on Sensor and Data Fusion (NSSDF), Washington, DC, October 2011, co-authors: J. Crassidis, P. Singla and K. McConky.
“SITA: Situation Identification and Threat Assessment,” Military Sensing Symposia, National Symposium on Sensor and Data Fusion (NSSDF), Washington, DC, October 2011, co-authors: J. Holsopple, J. Salerno, W. Tagliaferri and S. Yang.
“Situational Awareness through Sensor Location and Sampling,” Chemical and Biological Defense Science and Technology (CBD S&T) Conference, in Dallas, Texas, 16-20 November 2009, co-authors: K. Sambhoos, A. Stotz and A. James.
“Symbolic Reasoning in the Cyber Security Domain,” Military Sensing Symposia - National Symposium on Sensor and Data Fusion, McLean, Virginia, 2007, co-authors: M. Kandefer, S. Shapiro and A. Stotz.
“Graph Dissemination for Distributed Enterprises,” Military Sensing Symposia - National Symposium on Sensor and Data Fusion, McLean, Virginia, 2007, co-authors: A. Stotz, R. Nagi, M. Hirsch and K. Sambhoos.
“Dynamic Hypothesis Generation and Tracking for Facilitated Decision Making and Forensic Analysis,” Military Sensing Symposia - National Symposium on Sensor and Data Fusion, McLean, Virginia, 2006.
“TANDI: Threat Assessment of Network Data and Information,” Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering Defense and Security Symposium, Orlando, Florida, 2006 co-authors: S. Yang and J. Holsopple.
“Measuring Situational Awareness and Resolving Inherent High-Level Fusion Obstacles,” Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering Defense and Security Symposium, Orlando, Florida, 2006 co-authors: A. Stotz, M. Holender, W. Tagliaferri and K. Canarelli.
“Situational Awareness of Coordinated Cyber Attack,” Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering Defense and Security Symposium, Orlando, Florida, 2005 co-authors: A. Stotz and M. Holender.
“Matroid Formulations and Knapsack Problems,” Research Memorandum 86-11, School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 1986, co-author: R. Rardin.