Special Topics

Special Topics courses cover some of our most innovative and promising research directions.  They are often prototypes of new courses that we are developing.

Special Topics courses offer variable course content, so each semester's offerings are unique.

Fall 2024

CSE 510 Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Systems (Lecture)
Section: BINA
Instructor: Bina Ramamurthy
Description: This course is intended for students interested in learning about blockchain, cryptocurrency, and decentralized finance systems. The course will cover the essentials of blockchain and cryptocurrency and explore the area of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) systems in detail. The course content is divided into three parts: (i) blockchain essentials, (ii) digital assets, and (iii) DEX protocols and platforms, including applications of web3 and DeFi to modernize business systems. The topics covered in the first part of the course include decentralized identity, wallet technology, peer-to-peer transactions, blocks, chain of blocks, smart contracts, web3, and decentralized applications (DApp). These concepts will be illustrated using the Ethereum blockchain. The second part of the course covers digital assets and includes a discussion of cryptocurrencies, tokens and tokenization, fungible, non-fungible, and multi-token, and their applications. The concepts will be reinforced using Ethereum's ERC tokens and real-world assets (RWA) tokens. The course's third part deals with decentralized exchange (DEX) protocols and platforms, newer models for liquidity, market and market making, and perpetual derivatives. The course will also discuss approaches for introducing web3 and DeFi concepts into existing businesses and systems. Students will work on hands-on projects on Ethereum testnets and simulated environments to reinforce the concepts discussed. On completion of the course, a student will be able to analyze a problem and develop and implement an end-to-end DeFi system to solve a real-world problem.
Notes: Upon completing this course, students will have a good understanding and working knowledge of the cryptocurrency and DeFi ecosystems. They will be able to design and implement DeFi systems to modernize existing systems to include DeFi aspects. Prior knowledge of blockchain is not required.
Prereqs: CSE250 Data Structures, equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
Instruction Mode: In person
Class #: 23022
Dates: 08/26/2024 - 12/09/2024
Days, Time: W, 5:00PM-7:50PM
Location: Talbrt 111, North Campus
Credit Hours: 1-3
Enrollment: 1/15 (1/15 seats reserved for computer science & engineering majors only) (Active)
Info: CSE 510 course catalog page
CSE 510 Quantum Computing (Via Linear Algebra) (Lecture)
Section: REG
Instructor: Kenneth W. Regan
Description: This is cross-listed with CSE439. More can be read there. I am following much of Matthew Knepley's previous outline. It includes classical scientific computation topics in the realm of (linear) algebra, including matrix decompositions and spectra. I will post a more detailed rendition as I build my course website in August.
Prereqs: MTH 309 (Linear Algebra) or equivalent
Instruction Mode: In person
Class #: 23009
Dates: 08/26/2024 - 12/09/2024
Days, Time: TR, 12:30PM-1:50PM
Location: Baldy 111, North Campus
Credit Hours: 1-3
Enrollment: 0/ 0 (0/2 seats reserved for computer science & engineering majors only) (Active)
Info: CSE 510 course catalog page
CSE 510 Mobile Sensing and Mobile Networks (Lecture)
Section: XIE
Instructor: Yaxiong Xie
Description: Nowadays, wireless technologies (cellular, Wi-Fi, mmWave) do not only provide data service but also cater to diverse applications including indoor localization, contact-free activity sensing, medical implant tracking and charging, virtual reality (VR) and autonomous driving. This course introduces the students with fundamentals in mobile networking and the state-of-the-art mobile sensing applications in the Era of Internet-of-Things. Mobile sensing is an active research area which involves wireless communication, signal processing, human computer interaction, machine learning and hardware prototyping. The intrinsic nature of sensor-free and contact-free makes mobile and wireless sensing particularly appealing in current pandemic compared to traditional sensor-based sensing. The latest research in mobile sensing has enabled many novel and exciting applications. For example, Wi-Fi signals can now be employed to differentiate very similar materials such as Pepsi and Coke. You can place your phone on the desk and turn the desk surface into a touch (input) panel with acoustic sensing. We can employ LoRa signals to sense your respiration even 50 meters away with a wall in between without any sensors. We will explore the state-of-the-art of both mobile networking and mobile sensing and make our hands dirty by working on some research projects.
Prereqs: CSE 489/589
Instruction Mode: In person
Class #: 22967
Dates: 08/26/2024 - 12/09/2024
Days, Time: TR, 2:00PM-3:20PM
Location: Clemen 206, North Campus
Credit Hours: 1-3
Enrollment: 1/23 (Active)
Info: CSE 510 course catalog page
CSE 702 Biometrics and Computer Security (Seminar)
Section: WENY
Instructor: Wenyao Xu
Description: This seminar provides an in-depth exploration of advanced security systems in the context of biometrics and computer security. The course begins with a review of traditional biometric techniques, then shifts focus to cutting-edge biometric identifiers, including soft biometrics and behavioral analytics in the realm of mobile and ubiquitous computing. Participants will learn critical skills in evaluating and designing user authentication systems, including understanding performance metrics and applying biometric methods. By the seminar's conclusion, students will be well-versed in the latest security technologies and methodologies in the rapidly evolving fields of biometrics and computer security.
Notes: No prerequisite is required.
Instruction Mode: In person
Class #: 22926
Dates: 08/26/2024 - 12/09/2024
Days, Time: T, 1:00PM-3:50PM
Location: Davis 113A, North Campus
Credit Hours: 1-3
Enrollment: 6/20 (Active)
Info: CSE 702 course catalog page
CSE 705 Recent Progresses in Machine Learning (Seminar)
Section: JI
Instructor: Kaiyi Ji
Description: Machine learning (ML) and artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming society and promoting various innovations in computer vision, language processing, 5G networks, edge computing, autonomous systems, healthcare etc. In this seminar, we will review some recent breakthroughs and progresses in modern machine learning, including meta-learning, continual learning, machine unlearning, contrastive learning, generative models like diffusion model, language models and advanced optimization techniques like adaptive methods, hypergradient methods etc. All students in this seminar are expected to read, discuss, present and write summaries of selected papers on such topics.
Prereqs: Have taken any course related to machine learning, deep learning or computer vision.
Instruction Mode: In person
Class #: 23016
Dates: 08/26/2024 - 12/09/2024
Days, Time: M, 2:00PM-4:50PM
Location: Clemen 17, North Campus
Credit Hours: 1-3
Enrollment: 18/20 (Active)
Info: CSE 705 course catalog page
CSE 707 CSE 707: Wireless Networks Security, Principles and Practices (Seminar)
Section: UPA
Instructor: Shambhu J. Upadhyaya
Description: The course includes several instructor presentations and student presentations. Further, students can investigate research problems or engage in projects - simulation based or hands-on experiments. Topics included are: Overview of Security in Wireless Networks, WEP Security, WPA and RSN, Bluetooth Security, Security of MANETs, Security of Sensor Networks, Wireless Mesh Networks and Security, Vehicular Networks Security, Smart Grid Security, Security of Internet of Things (IoT), and Trustworthy AI for Wireless Networks. Most of the topics will be from research papers and Internet documents. Topics will be assigned to or selected by students who are required to study them, prepare presentations and discuss and critique them in class. The course will culminate in a round-table discussion of the topics presented where students will take active part in making a position statement and identifying future directions.
Notes: Students may take this course for variable credits but are expected to be present in class throughout the semester. Therefore, you are encouraged to register for 3 credits.
Prereqs: A course on Computer Networks (similar to CSE 489/589) and basic knowledge of computer security. Some programming experience is essential.
Coreqs: N/A
URL: http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~shambhu/cse70724/ (will be launched later)
Instruction Mode: In person
Class #: 23643
Dates: 08/26/2024 - 12/09/2024
Days, Time: W, 10:00AM-12:50PM
Location: Davis 113A, North Campus
Credit Hours: 1-3
Enrollment: 13/30 (Active)
Info: CSE 707 course catalog page
CSE 708 Programming Massively Parallel Compute Systems (Seminar)
Section: MILL
Instructor: Russ Miller
Description: The focus of this course is experimental (hands-on) parallel computing. Each student is responsible for a semester-long project. Grading will be based on the project, as well as two formal talks, using presentation software (e.g., PowerPoint). The presentations will include a definition and justification of the problem, sequential and parallel solution strategies, and a significant set of running times on large parallel systems that allow for an analysis and explanation of Amdahl's and Gustafson's speedups. In particular, the first talk provides a brief explanation of the proposed project, goals, expectations, and a timeline of the work to be performed. The second talk provides a summary of accomplishments. Students are encouraged to look at the final talks from previous semesters, available on my web site. Note that a successfully completed project satisfies the requirement for a project in the M.S. program.
Prereqs: Graduate Standing in a STEM Discipline
URL: https://cse.buffalo.edu/faculty/miller/teaching.shtml
Instruction Mode: Remote class, in person exam
Class #: 20746
Dates: 08/26/2024 - 12/09/2024
Days, Time: T, 5:00PM-7:50PM
Location: Remote
Credit Hours: 1-3
Enrollment: 3/20 (Active)
Info: CSE 708 course catalog page