Accreditation and Assessment

ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission logo.

The Environmental Engineering BS program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET under the commission’s General Criteria and Program Criteria for Environmental Engineering and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.

The Department follows a formal procedure to develop curriculum and assess its program to ensure students are prepared to become leaders and have successful careers. We collect feedback from constituents (alumni and industry professionals) in order to identify career objectives appropriate for an environmental engineer within a few years of graduation. We also survey and assess students at various points in the BS program to ensure they are acquiring the skills and knowledge associated with the defined career objectives. The program is based on what our students know and can do, not on what is covered in class. The Department is devoted to continuous improvement.

Assessment Process

The Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering has developed formal procedures for self-evaluation and continuous improvement designed to sustain a environmental engineering education of increasing high quality and meet the accreditation requirements of ABET. Key components of this program include:

  • Definition of the constituents served by the environmental engineering program
  • Establishment of program educational objectives with our constituents
  • Establishment of student outcomes, in conjunction with ABET
  • An ongoing program of assessment that measures the degree to which the student outcomes are being met
  • An ongoing program of evaluation to improve the environmental engineering program in response to feedback from the assessment process