Student Clubs and Organizations

Engineering clubs allow students to gain hands on experience with the material they learn in the classroom.

In addition to networking with professors and professionals, student clubs carry out research projects, conduct valuable experiments and compete in competitions throughout the nation. Many of our clubs are nationally recognized and work closely with national societies. Most notably, the engineering clubs participate in the National Engineers Week in February of each year, where each club competes in events such as a paper bridge competition, rocket launches, Battle Bots and more.

  • Cheme Car Team
    The student chapter of UB CBE’s AIChE prepares undergraduate students for the real world by fostering connections with future employers. They do so by presenting a speaker series where students can visit with and learn from UB CBE alums, and they can go on local company plant tours each month.
  • American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
    The student chapter of UB CBE’s AIChE prepares undergraduate students for the real world by fostering connections with future employers. They do so by presenting a speaker series where students can visit with and learn from UB CBE alums, and they can go on local company plant tours each month.
  • American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)
    AISES is a national, nonprofit organization focused on substantially increasing the representation of American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, First Nations and other indigenous peoples of North America in STEM studies and careers.
  • Drone Club
    The UB Design Club is a multidisciplinary outlet for the exploration of entrepreneurship, design, and product development.
  • Engineering World Health (EWH)
    The mission of EWH is to help students apply knowledge and skills to real problems facing health professionals in the developing world, while expanding practical skills beyond classroom exposure.
  • Google Developer Student Club at University at Buffalo (GDSC- UB)
    Google Developer Student Club at University at Buffalo is a club to help students bridge the gap between theory and practice. Students from all programs with an interest in growing as a developer are welcome. By joining GDSC- UB, students grow their knowledge in a peer-to-peer learning environment and build solutions for local businesses and their communities.
  • GradSWE at UB
    The Society of Women Engineers encourages women to achieve their full career potential as engineers and leaders by expanding the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life, and by demonstrating the value of diversity.
  • MakeOpenSource
    MakeOpenSource is an open-source programming club. Our goal is to create a community of programmers and developers (of any skill level) who can collaborate and contribute to open-source projects. The club is open to both undergraduate and graduate students.
  • Men of Color in STEM
    This group aims to create a supportive environment for men of color in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Modeled after basketball superstar Lebron James’ HBO show “The Shop,” the group provides a neighborhood-like community and a safe, gender-inclusive space to discuss issues that are important to men of color in STEM. These supportive spaces are important to men of all backgrounds and have special significance in communities of color.
  • National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
    The National Society of Black Engineers is the largest student managed organization in the country. NSBE seeks to promote the recruitment, retention, and academic excellence of students of color in engineering and science.
  • National Society of Professional Engineers University at Buffalo Chapter (NSPE)
    The National Society of Black Engineers is the largest student managed organization in the country. NSBE seeks to promote the recruitment, retention, and academic excellence of students of color in engineering and science.
  • oSTEM
    oSTEM@Buffalo is a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirited, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual (LGBTTQQIA+) and ally-affirming organization that aims to provide services and support for students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics and to create a dynamic network between students and professionals in industry and academia.
  • Phi Sigma Rho
    Phi Sigma Rho is a social sorority exclusively for women in engineering. Phi Sigma Rho sisters strive for academic and professional excellence but recognize that developing lasting bonds of friendship and support with other women in engineering is essential to our success.
  • Robotics
    UB Robotics (UBR) is an undergraduate club dedicated to engineering excellence and collaboration in the field of robotics.
  • Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE)
    SASE is dedicated to the professional and educational advancement of Asian heritage scientists and engineers.
  • Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
    SHPE UB inspires and motivates underrepresented students to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics at the University at Buffalo and in the Buffalo area.
  • Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
    The Society of Women Engineers encourages women to achieve their full career potential as engineers and leaders by expanding the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life, and by demonstrating the value of diversity.
  • Student Excellence in Cybersecurity (UBSEC)
    The mission of UBSEC is to establish a platform for students to explore the field of cybersecurity, foster a community around technology and security, as well as equip students with the resources and networking opportunities to excel at the university and beyond.
  • Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS)
    The goal of the University at Buffalo Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (UB SEDS) is to raise interest and awareness of space exploration and development.
  • Tau Beta Pi
    Tau Beta Pi is the nation's second oldest honor society, and the the only engineering honor society that recognizes individuals from all engineering disciplines.
  • Theme Park Engineering Club (TPEC)
    TPEC gives interested students the chance to explore theme park engineering in depth and to learn more about potential careers in the field.
  • Theta Tau
    Theta Tau is the nation's oldest co-ed fraternity for engineers and is comprised of students from all engineering majors.
  • UB Space Bulls
    UB Space Bulls is a diverse group of multidisciplinary undergraduate and graduate students passionate about researching, designing, and building the next generation of rovers.
  • UB STEMinism
    UB STEMinism is a group open to participation by any student that aims to provide peer support and opportunities for engagement in social activities, professional development, mentoring workshops, seminars and other activities that connect students.
  • University at Buffalo Nanosatellite Laboratory (UB Nanosat)
    Nanosat is a collaborative organization of undergraduate and graduate students who work with the Air Force Research Lab, NASA, and Moog, Inc. to build satellites from concept to launch.