
We are here for you every step of the way. Really. See everything we do to keep you perfectly on track for a timely graduation.

Group of UB students at commencement in caps and gowns.

You'll follow a structured guidance process to ensure you'll graduate in four.

Getting guidance on course selection

It is important that you make informed decisions about which courses to take each semester. Mistakes can cost you a semester or even a year delay in graduating. Please study the information found on this site carefully, and don't hesitate to seek advice if you are ever uncertain about what to do. Here are some resources for getting academic advice.

  • Your Academic Advisor
    The first person you should turn to about CBE-related degree questions.
  • Undergraduate Committee
    If you do not have an academic advisor, or if your advisor is unable to assist, seek help from a member of the undergraduate committee.
  • SEAS Office of Academic Affairs
    For questions not specific to CBE such as transferring courses, general education requirements, or checking your official records, contact the SEAS Office of Undergraduate Education.
  • Student Wellness
    Effective learning happens in a setting where students feel happy, comfortable and secure. We are here to help with concerns causing you stress.
  • Force Registration
    If you need to be forced into a Chemical Engineering course please complete and submit the force registration form. You can expect to be contacted within 3 business days with an update regarding your request.  If the course which you are requesting to be forced into requires instructor permission (i.e. CE 496 or CE 498) you must have the instructor give his or her permission in the SEAS Portal for approval.  
  • Advice from Alumni

    Seek out every opportunity to speak in front of people and write excellent reports. -Nisar Amin, BS 1996