Lichade, K. M., Hu, S., Pan, Y. Acoustic Streaming-assisted Two-Photon Polymerization Process for the Production of Multimaterial Microstructures. Additive Manufacturing, 2023.
Plog, J., Wang, W., Lichade, K. M., Pan, Y., Yarin, A., L.. Extremely-fast Electrostatically-assisted Direct Ink Writing of 2D, 2.5D and 3D Functional Traces of Conducting Polymer Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Polystyrene Sulfonate-Polyethylene Oxide (PEDOT:PSS-PEO). Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2023.
Lichade, K. M., Pan, Y. Fast and Simple Fabrication of Multimaterial Hierarchical Surfaces using Acoustic Assembly Photopolymerization. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2022.
Plog, J., Wang, W., Lichade, K. M., Yarin, A. L., Pan, Y. 3D Printing of Highly Conductive PEDOT:PSS-Based Polymers. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2022.
Shahriar, M., Lui, Y., Zhang, B., Lichade, K. M., Pan, Y., Hu, S. Acoustic Tweezer Modulated Biomimetic Patterned Particle-Polymer Composite for Water Vapor Harvesting. Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022.
Lichade, K. M., Joyee, E. B., Pan, Y. Gradient Light Video Projection-based Stereolithography for Continuous Production of Solid Objects. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2021.
Joyee, E. B., Huang, J., Lichade, K. M., and Pan, Y. Multi-material Distribution Planning for Additive Manufacturing of Biomimetic Structures. Rapid prototyping journal, 2021.
Lichade, K. M., Pan, Y. Acoustic Field-Assisted Two-Photon Polymerization Process. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2021.
Lichade, K. M., Hu, S., Pan, Y. Two-Photon Polymerization of Anisotropic Composites using Acoustic Streaming. Manufacturing letters, 2021.
Lichade, K. M., Jiang, Y., Pan, Y. Hierarchical Nano/Micro-structured Surfaces with High Surface Area/Volume Ratios. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2021.
Jiang, Y., Wang, Y., Lichade, K. M., He, H., Feinerman, A., Pan, Y. Textured Window Design for Continuous Projection Stereolithography Process. Manufacturing letters, 2020.