Aaron Estes


Aaron Estes.

Aaron Estes


Aaron Estes


Associate Professor of Teaching
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Aerospace Engineering

Research Interests

Dynamics and control; system identification; game-based learning in engineering higher education

Biography Publications Teaching Research Latest News

Selected Publications

  • Hulme, K., Estes, A., Schiferle, M., Lim. R., “Game-based Learning to Enhance Post-secondary Engineering Training Effectiveness” Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference, Dec., 2019. 
  • Mou, F., Khakpour, H., Estes, A., Hall, J., “Weighted Least Squares Approach for an Adaptive Aerodynamic Engineered Structure with Twist Transformation” accepted Jan. 2019, ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology
  • Hulme, K., Estes, A., Schmid, M., Torres, E., Hendrick, C., Sivashangaran, S., “Game-based Proving-grounds Simulation to Assess Driving & Learning Preferences” Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference, Nov, 2018.
  • Estes, A., Majji, M., “Generalization of Lagrange’s Equations for Constrained Hybrid Coordinate Systems,” AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Advance online publication, 2016, doi: 10.2514/1.G000450.
  • Estes, A., Singh, T., Majji, M., “A Post-maneuver Penalty Approach to Robust Input-Shaper Design,” AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, July 2015, AAS 15-811.