Alan J. Rabideau


Alan Rabideau.

Alan J. Rabideau


Alan J. Rabideau


Professional Engineer
State of New York
State of North Carolina

Research Topics

Groundwater modeling and remediation; stormwater management; environmental ethics

  • Rabideau, A.J., Swensen, K., Chen, Z., Santiago-Collazo, F. L., Bronner, C., Lowry, C., Gnat, R., Lockwood, T., “Hydrologic evaluation of a poplar phytoremediation barrier,” International Journal of Phytoremediation (2022)
  • Torres, M. N., Fontechab, F. E., Walteros, J. L., Zhu, Z. Ahmed, Z., Rodríguez, J. P., and Rabideau, A. J., “Optimal location planning of Green Infra. using piece-wise linear interpolation and exact optimization methods,” Journal of Hydrology (2022)

  • Behrouz, M. S., Zhu, Z., Matott, L. S., Rabideau, A. J. (2020).  “A new tool for the calibration of the Storm Water Management Model,” Journal of Hydrology, 581, 124436. 
  • Macro, K., Zhu, Z., Matott, L. S., Rabideau, A. J., and Ghodsi, S. H. (2019). “OSTRICH-SWMM: A new multi-objective optimization tool for green infrastructure planning with SWMM,” Environmental Modeling and Software, 113, 42 – 47. 
  • Matott, L.S., Rabideau, A.J., and Singh, A. (2017). “Parameterizing sorption isotherms using a hybrid global-local fitting procedure” Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 200, 35 – 48,
  • Maghrebi, M., Jankovic, I, Weissmann, G. S., Matott, L.S., Allen-King, R. A., Rabideau, A. J. (2015). “Contaminant tailing in highly heterogeneous porous formations: Sensitivity on model selection and material properties,” Journal of Hydrology, 531(1), 149 – 160.
  • Matott, L.S., Jiang, Z., Rabideau, A.J., and Allen-King, R. (2015). “Isotherm ranking and selection using thirteen literature datasets involving hydrophobic organic compounds” J. Contaminant Hydrology, 177- 178, 93- 106,
  • Maghrebi, M., Jankovic, I, Allen-King, R. A., Rabideau, A. J., Kalinovich, I., Weissmann, G. S. (2014).  “Impacts of transport mechanisms and plume history on tailing of sorbing plumes in heterogeneous porous formations,” Advances in Water Resources, 72, 123 – 133,
  • Singh, A., Rabideau, A. J., and Allen-King. R. A. (2014). “Groundwater transport influenced by nonlinear sorption and intraparticle pore diffusion,” Advances in Water Resources, 70, 12 – 23,
  • Seneca, S., and Rabideau, A.J. (2013). “Performance of natural zeolites for removing strontium-90 from groundwater, Env. Sci. & Tech., 47(3), 1550 – 1156, DOI: 10.1021/es304008r.
  • Bronner, C.E., Bartlett, A.M., Whiteway, S.L., Lambert, D.C., Bennett, S.J., and Rabideau, A.J. (2013). “An assessment of U.S. stream mitigation policy: Necessary changes to protect ecosystem functions and services,” Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 49(2), 449 – 462, DOI: 10.1111/jawr.12034.