Read incoming emails and assess the state of the business including manufacturing issues across the network, attend to problem solving and prioritizing resources appropriately, reviewing R&D projects against financial outcomes (probabilistic models), provide support for sales and marketing on addressing customer issues, write up weekly and monthly reports etc., measure spending performance against budgets and forecasts, intervene on project and research teams as needed for course corrections, lead troubleshooting sessions where Sr. Management is required and on occasion, do a major project or lead a development effort of significance. As an executive, the focus is on productivity of the team as a whole and how well it integrates into supporting the overall structure of the business. In addition, we safeguard the business with rigor in establishing manufacturing and processing parameters and in the execution of development projects by integrating process and product safety into every work stream. Intellectual property, as it is developed, is categorized either as a proprietary secret or undergoes patent protection. Patent portfolio and trademark protection also falls under the realm of R&D Management.