Engineering Sciences (Internet of Things) MS

IOT Device.
Lab group with chip.

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the network of physical objects, including devices, vehicles, buildings, and various items, that are equipped with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity. This enables these objects to gather and exchange data. 

The Engineering Science MS program with a focus on IoT, is tailored to address the growing demand from employers seeking experts who can engineer innovative interactive services, handle data acquisition, fusion, and processing from sensors, actuators, controllers, and other devices, and design architectures to connect these components as part of more extensive and diverse systems.

About the Program

In this rapidly evolving field, potential career opportunities span industry sectors such as energy, healthcare, transportation, infrastructure, and manufacturing. Students in this program will receive comprehensive training in various IoT technologies and develop skills and advanced knowledge in areas like data analytics, IoT architecture, and distributed application development.

Our flexible program allows students to further focus their academic interests through various elective courses, and culminates in a portfolio of work that showcases the skills acquired throughout the program. Classes are modestly sized and emphasize best classroom practices while employing online resources to reinforce the classroom experience.

Did you know?

Each year, Buffalo hosts a Day for 5G and Wireless Internet of Things and the University at Buffalo is a proud sponsor.

The event provides a unique forum for sharing innovative research ideas, recent results and experiences for researchers and practitioners in 5G (and beyond), IoT, and AI/ML for wirelessly networked systems.

Entrance Requirements

Applicants must hold a bachelor's degree or qualified equivalent in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science or a closely related field and have an average undergraduate GPA of at least a B or 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) from a regionally accredited institution. The GRE is not required.

Application Materials:

Curriculum Overview

Students will take 10 courses for a total of 30 credits. Most students complete the program in three semesters. Courses fall into two main categories: the Internet and the Things:

  • For the Internet, students focus on courses in communications and networking.
  • For the Things, students become familiar with hardware (courses in sensors, embedded systems, antennas/RF, power systems). 

Core Courses

  • EE 526 Wearable and Implantable Sensors
  • EE 534 Principles of Networking
  • EE 538 Principles of Modern Digital Communications
  • EE 541 Energy Storage
  • EE 701: Special Topics: Internet of Things

Elective Courses

  • EE 516 Introduction to Digital Signal Processing
  • EE 530 Fundamentals of Solid State Devices 
  • EE 531 Probability and Stochastic Processes for Engineering
  • EE539 Principles of Information Theory and Coding
  • EE 549 Analog Integrated Circuits Layout
  • EE 569 RF & Microwave Circuits 
  • EE 574 RF & Microwave Circuits 2
  • EE 553 Microelectronic Fabrication Laboratory
  • EE 559 Big Data Analytics
  • EE 567 Power Electronics
  • EE 620 MIMO Wireless Communications
  • CSE 508 Programming with Python
  • CSE 516 Commerce Technology
  • CSE 524 Realtime & Embedded Systems
  • CSE 555 Introduction to Pattern Recognition
  • CSE 565 Computer Security
  • CSE 566 Wireless Networks Security
  • CSE 570 Introduction to Parallel and Distributed Processing
  • CSE 574 Introduction to Machine Learning
  • CSE 603 Parallel & Distributed Processing
  • CSE 626 Data Mining
  • CSE 642 Techniques of Artificial Intelligence
  • CSE 676 Deep Learning

For questions about the Engineering Science (Internet of Things) MS program, contact us at For questions about admission or your application, contact