Electrical Engineering MS

bioelectric lab.

The degree of Master of Science (MS) in Electrical Engineering comprises an academic core and a cohesive set of advanced courses, concluding in a thesis, or other culminating experience .

Degree Specializations

Students have the opportunity to specialize in various areas, including:

Entrance Requirements

In addition to holding a bachelor's degree in engineering or any of the mathematical, physical, behavioral, or health sciences, each entering student is expected to be skilled in a number of specific areas.

Required Proficiencies:

  • Mathematics through multivariate calculus
  • Probability and design and analysis of experiments considered from a calculus point of view
  • Computer programming

Generally, these requirements must be satisfied prior to the commencement of graduate studies.

A master's student admitted on a provisional basis must demonstrate their ability to perform satisfactorily at the graduate level before being admitted to degree candidacy. The department will specify the conditions of the provisional admission in a letter sent to the student.

Application Materials:

Culminating Experience

The MS program may be completed in one of two ways:

  1. A formal research thesis representing 3 or 6 credits, satisfactory performance in an oral defense of thesis examination, and completion of 24 or 27 credits of non-thesis course work.
  2. An ePortfolio using the content of their course work.

Master's Thesis

If you wish to fulfill the MS degree requirements by means of a thesis, you must first find a faculty member who shares your interest in a topic and is willing to supervise your efforts. This person will constitute the committee that must ultimately read and approve your work. Each thesis must be successfully defended in an oral examination.

A limit is imposed by the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) on the number of thesis credits which are applicable toward graduate degree requirements. For the MS degree with a thesis, a maximum of six credit hours for thesis (plus at least 24 credit hours of course work) may be applied. A minimum of 3 credit hours of thesis work is required. You should register for EE 599 while you are working on an MS thesis.

Instructions governing the preparation of theses appear in several university publications, including one entitled Instructions for Preparing Theses and Dissertations. Consult these guidelines before preparing your final manuscript.

The typing of a thesis is the responsibility of the student. There are editors and typesetting programs available on the university computer system which can be used for manuscript preparation.


In their final semester of study, MS students register for  EE 616: Technical Synthesis and Communication (0 credits). During this course, students will create an ePortfolio using the content of their specific course work. Reflections should be considered from the first semester. Faculty evaluations (Pass/Fail) of the ePortfolio occur at the end of the Fall and Spring semesters. Students may take an incomplete for one semester only.

The ePortfolio minimally consists of an About Me page, at least two written reflections in a student’s focus area and at least two in an outside area, an integrated learning page, and a professionally written electronic CV.

An information session will be conducted by the Graduate Academic Coordinator each semester. Students will be contacted in their semester to register.

Time Limit for Degree

The time limit for finishing all MS degree requirements is two years from the first registration date in the graduate program, excluding approved leaves of absence. A petition for an extension of time limit requires departmental approval. The student must be currently making active progress toward the degree. The SEAS Divisional Committee will consider each petition and, in certain cases, it may set a deadline for completion of the program. The extension of time limit is normally granted for a period of one year or less.

Non-Applicable Credits

Credits in the following courses are not applicable toward the minimum requirements for the Master's degree programs:

  • Supervised Teaching
  • Supervised Research
  • Departmental Seminar

For questions about the Electrical Engineering MS program, contact us at eegradapply@buffalo.edu. For questions about admission or your application, contact gradeng@buffalo.edu.